Wellness Wednesday: TOGETHERNESS | Model Behaviors

Wellness Wednesday: TOGETHERNESS

Our Word of the Month for November is TOGETHERNESS. We chose this before the election, not realizing how relevant it would be. We chose it because we’d just celebrated the success of Friscovania, a feat that took a huge effort from several people. It also required a huge amount of teamwork, something I’d never witnessed on this level before. We had to set aside all differences, all sense of ego, and put our energy to accomplishing a single task. It was one of the hardest, but also one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever been a part of, and I wanted to honor that sense of accomplishment and inspiration with our Word of the Month.

One thing we always strive for here at Model Behaviors is to be inclusive and welcoming of everyone and to listen to each person’s story with our full hearts. And that’s what we intend to continue doing as we move forward.

Watch today’s video to see what togetherness means to Holly.

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VIDEO: Holly, on Shaping the Life of a Daughter

When I think of Holly, I can’t help thinking of this famous Shakespeare quote from A Midsummer Night’s Dream: “Though she be but little, she is fierce!”

This captures the force and spirit of our go-to DIY mama to a tee. She always has a dozen different tutorials she’s working on. She always has something fun planned for the family. She always has a big self-growth project (for instance, going vegetarian or training to run a half-marathon). And on top of it all, she started her own business and holds down a full-time job. Not to mention her latest venture, TED Fox Event Artistry!

Beneath her go-go-go mentality, she’s got a backbone of steel. She is tiny, but her low, deep voice is steady—through high times and low—and she comes to the aid of her friends the second we call. She’s weathered some difficult journeys, in particular, her struggle with fertility. She’s one of the fiercest mama bears I know, so it makes total sense that when we asked her what she loves about being part of Model Behaviors, her thoughts turned to her daughter.

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The Six-Dollar Friscovania Salvaged Sign | Model Behaviors

The Six-Dollar Salvaged Friscovania Sign

By this point, you’ve all heard about Friscovania, right?! While we here at Model Behaviors and in the Frisco community are all looking forward to this event, I dare say that there may be no one more excited than I am! As I mentioned last year in my Yarn Ghost DIY Tutorial, Halloween holds a very special place in my heart as both my wedding anniversary in 2009 and the day I became a mother with the birth of Trent Fox on October 31, 2012.

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Rise and Shine Breakfast Bakes | Model Behaviors

Rise and Shine Breakfast Bakes

I’ve never been a big breakfast eater, but in the past year I’ve redoubled my efforts in that department. With longer days as a mom and business owner of sorts, I find my energy fizzling out on those days I don’t start with some morning fuel. And in my never-ending quest to eat more protein, eggs have become a recent staple in my diet, which makes breakfast food a no-brainer for some of our go-to dishes. But in my mind, “breakfast food” doesn’t mean that it can only be eaten in the morning. For years I’ve incorporated what my husband and I call “BFD”  (Breakfast for Dinner) nights into our weekly rotating menu.

One thing I absolutely love about this recipe is that it’s a single serving. You can easily make one for your solo days, or a set of ten for a special occasion brunch, or even a larger one to share if you’re doing dinner-for-two. For meat-eaters, vegetarians, spicy-lovers, and cheese-lovers, too, you can customize each one to their liking.

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The Making of Darlington's First Birthday: Holly's Décor | Model Behaviors

The Making of Darlington’s First Birthday: Holly’s Décor

My heart always skips a beat or two when I see an email arrive in my inbox from Toni about a new idea. Those that know me will think I sound like a broken record here, but I never miss a chance to say just how incredibly flattered, honored, thankful, and blessed I feel when friends and family members allow me to contribute to their events with my décor or planning services. Each and every order or party I book means a great deal to me and to my business, but there is something so extra special about being a part of my loved ones’ big days. So naturally I replied to Toni’s note with my signature, overly enthusiastic “COUNT ME IN!” before even really taking in all of the details.

But I knew that whatever the project was, it would be extraordinary. Over the past eighteen months, I’ve come to learn that working with Toni always means a challenge (in a good way!), a creative freedom, an open-mindedness, and so much more. The first item she ever asked me to make, for example, was a piece for Darlington’s nursery a few months before she was due. When I told her that I felt the strong need to create a mobile featuring tigers jumping through a flaming hoop for this newborn baby girl, Toni had no hesitation in telling me to go for it.

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