The Making of Darlington's First Birthday: Holly's Décor | Model Behaviors

The Making of Darlington’s First Birthday: Holly’s Décor

My heart always skips a beat or two when I see an email arrive in my inbox from Toni about a new idea. Those that know me will think I sound like a broken record here, but I never miss a chance to say just how incredibly flattered, honored, thankful, and blessed I feel when friends and family members allow me to contribute to their events with my décor or planning services. Each and every order or party I book means a great deal to me and to my business, but there is something so extra special about being a part of my loved ones’ big days. So naturally I replied to Toni’s note with my signature, overly enthusiastic “COUNT ME IN!” before even really taking in all of the details.

But I knew that whatever the project was, it would be extraordinary. Over the past eighteen months, I’ve come to learn that working with Toni always means a challenge (in a good way!), a creative freedom, an open-mindedness, and so much more. The first item she ever asked me to make, for example, was a piece for Darlington’s nursery a few months before she was due. When I told her that I felt the strong need to create a mobile featuring tigers jumping through a flaming hoop for this newborn baby girl, Toni had no hesitation in telling me to go for it.

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Holly's Rag Garland Tutorial | Model Behaviors

Holly’s Rag Garland Tutorial

Holly's Rag Garland Tutorial | Model Behaviors

If something sits still long enough, chances are pretty good that I will hang a banner from it. I have always thought that garlands and banners add a certain magic to any setting, more so than most other décor. From the vibrant and intricate papel picado banners that line the streets in Mexico to the homemade popcorn strands on a child’s Christmas tree, you can find various forms of garland almost anywhere you look. With endless possibilities in style, medium, texture, length and more, I’m confident in saying there is always a way to incorporate a banner into your space or event!

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