The Making of Darlington's First Birthday: Holly's Décor | Model Behaviors

The Making of Darlington’s First Birthday: Holly’s Décor

My heart always skips a beat or two when I see an email arrive in my inbox from Toni about a new idea. Those that know me will think I sound like a broken record here, but I never miss a chance to say just how incredibly flattered, honored, thankful, and blessed I feel when friends and family members allow me to contribute to their events with my décor or planning services. Each and every order or party I book means a great deal to me and to my business, but there is something so extra special about being a part of my loved ones’ big days. So naturally I replied to Toni’s note with my signature, overly enthusiastic “COUNT ME IN!” before even really taking in all of the details.

But I knew that whatever the project was, it would be extraordinary. Over the past eighteen months, I’ve come to learn that working with Toni always means a challenge (in a good way!), a creative freedom, an open-mindedness, and so much more. The first item she ever asked me to make, for example, was a piece for Darlington’s nursery a few months before she was due. When I told her that I felt the strong need to create a mobile featuring tigers jumping through a flaming hoop for this newborn baby girl, Toni had no hesitation in telling me to go for it.

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Summer Fiesta DIY: Tortilla Flower Dip Holder | Model Behaviors

Summer Fiesta DIY: Tortilla Flower Dip Holder

Our crafty mama Holly always has something unique up her sleeve. This month, she’s hitting us with a two-part DIY tutorial for creating a cute, festive summer fiesta. From a tortilla flower dip holder this week to a truly clever decoration idea next week, Holly never ceases to amaze me! 

Now, read on and get ready to wow your guests with this tortilla flower dip holder!

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DIY Ombré Macramé Statement Bib

Regardless of when exactly Easter falls each year, to me that’s when spring truly begins. The warm weather creeps in, and from the garden to the department store windows, bright fresh colors are seen everywhere. Shoppers fill the aisles in search of new spring wardrobes, and Easter Sunday attire is at the top of their list.

As a child, my own Easter dress was always handmade by my mother. Of course at the time I didn’t fully understand or appreciate this, and I remember the very last year she made a dress for me. My two older female cousins arrived at church on Easter Sunday, and we ran to get seats together just as we always did on that special day. But when I realized they were both sporting stylish color-blocked Gap Kids pieces, for the first time, I felt out of place in my home-sewn garment made out of bug-print cotton. I was mortified and requested only store-bought clothes from then on. As sad as I was, I wonder now if my mom was probably even sadder.

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Wellness Wednesday: CHERISH (Includes 2 Thanksgiving Printables!) | Model Behaviors

Wellness Wednesday: CHERISH (Includes 2 Thanksgiving Printables!)

The season of giving thanks is upon us, and this year I plan to triple my efforts in that department. I try to keep the “count your blessings” mentality somewhere toward the front of my mind all year long, but even with that daily awareness it can be so easy to forget how good we have it. Have you ever traveled to a less fortunate country, visited a children’s hospital, or volunteered at a soup kitchen and returned home promising yourself/God/the universe that you would never take anything for granted again and that you would be happy and content with your current situation? How long did you keep your word? How long until your blessings turned back into givens and your good fortune was no longer enough? I’m sure we all have a few similar ebb-and-flow stories.

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Fall Wreath Craft Tutorial

One of my favorite things to do for the holidays is to decorate with homemade decorations. Each year, I like to add one item for each holiday so as not to overwhelm myself nor have my items look too similar to each other. I find it very therapeutic to work with my hands and get creative with textures and new pieces. It’s so representative of the point that I’m at in life. Creating a theme for each decoration helps me to bring all of these elements together.

For this fall wreath, my theme is The First Thanksgiving. I went to Michaels to collect the decorations for it, but any craft store will do. And remember, in the words of one of my favorite clients, “More is more and less is a bore.”

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