VIDEO: Holly, on Shaping the Life of a Daughter

When I think of Holly, I can’t help thinking of this famous Shakespeare quote from A Midsummer Night’s Dream: “Though she be but little, she is fierce!”

This captures the force and spirit of our go-to DIY mama to a tee. She always has a dozen different tutorials she’s working on. She always has something fun planned for the family. She always has a big self-growth project (for instance, going vegetarian or training to run a half-marathon). And on top of it all, she started her own business and holds down a full-time job. Not to mention her latest venture, TED Fox Event Artistry!

Beneath her go-go-go mentality, she’s got a backbone of steel. She is tiny, but her low, deep voice is steady—through high times and low—and she comes to the aid of her friends the second we call. She’s weathered some difficult journeys, in particular, her struggle with fertility. She’s one of the fiercest mama bears I know, so it makes total sense that when we asked her what she loves about being part of Model Behaviors, her thoughts turned to her daughter.

In today’s video she talks about shaping her daughter’s life, how at first she used to think of Emily as her little sidekick. How she’d imagine them creating beautiful things together and bonding over their love of a making the perfect rag garland banner (or whichever current project they were tackling together). But over the past year and a half, she’s shifted her vision. Now, she includes other women and their positive qualities to the list of things she hopes are passed down to her daughter. May she have Rachel’s adventuresome spirit. May she have Bulaong’s sense of justice. May she have Priya’s bottomless desire to help others. And on and on.

What a beautiful idea that we can give our children only the very best of ourselves and the very best of all the amazing people who surround us. If anyone can do it, I know this Wonder Woman can.

Enjoy Holly’s video above and be sure to read her latest tutorial for the Six-Dollar Salvaged Friscovania Sign. We’re so lucky to have Holly on Team MB!

Written by Toni

Toni Muñoz-Hunt is the founder and creator of Model Behaviors. As a mother, writer, and activist, she wholeheartedly believes in empowering women and their communities through the art of storytelling and self-awareness.

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