Zucchini Blueberry Pancakes | Model Behaviors

Zucchini Blueberry Pancakes

Last month, Holly’s Rise And Shine Breakfast Bakes had me craving breakfast for dinner. Only problem is, I don’t want an overwhelmingly high amount of calories that I’m going to have to work off for the next week because Mama wants stuff like French toast, pancakes, or Roscoe’s chicken and waffles. It’s just not worth this one meal. Unless, of course, breakfast is approached in a different way—healthy, yet tasty.

That might sound lame, but being a mom has changed my outlook on so many things. Now, I’m always looking for better, healthier options because I want Darlington growing up already a step ahead when it comes to eating healthy. That’s one half of the equation. “You can’t work off a bad diet,” Marzia always says.

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Rise and Shine Breakfast Bakes | Model Behaviors

Rise and Shine Breakfast Bakes

I’ve never been a big breakfast eater, but in the past year I’ve redoubled my efforts in that department. With longer days as a mom and business owner of sorts, I find my energy fizzling out on those days I don’t start with some morning fuel. And in my never-ending quest to eat more protein, eggs have become a recent staple in my diet, which makes breakfast food a no-brainer for some of our go-to dishes. But in my mind, “breakfast food” doesn’t mean that it can only be eaten in the morning. For years I’ve incorporated what my husband and I call “BFD”  (Breakfast for Dinner) nights into our weekly rotating menu.

One thing I absolutely love about this recipe is that it’s a single serving. You can easily make one for your solo days, or a set of ten for a special occasion brunch, or even a larger one to share if you’re doing dinner-for-two. For meat-eaters, vegetarians, spicy-lovers, and cheese-lovers, too, you can customize each one to their liking.

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