Wellness Wednesday: TOGETHERNESS | Model Behaviors

Wellness Wednesday: TOGETHERNESS

Our Word of the Month for November is TOGETHERNESS. We chose this before the election, not realizing how relevant it would be. We chose it because we’d just celebrated the success of Friscovania, a feat that took a huge effort from several people. It also required a huge amount of teamwork, something I’d never witnessed on this level before. We had to set aside all differences, all sense of ego, and put our energy to accomplishing a single task. It was one of the hardest, but also one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever been a part of, and I wanted to honor that sense of accomplishment and inspiration with our Word of the Month.

One thing we always strive for here at Model Behaviors is to be inclusive and welcoming of everyone and to listen to each person’s story with our full hearts. And that’s what we intend to continue doing as we move forward.

Watch today’s video to see what togetherness means to Holly.

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Wellness Wednesday: TOGETHERNESS | Model Behaviors

Wellness Wednesday: TOGETHERNESS

Earlier this week I wrote about our theme word for the month, togetherness. In it, I talked about Friscovania and how it showed me what we are capable of when we work together. One of our Frights of the Round Table, Lana Adams, summed it up perfectly on Instagram. “It’s amazing what we can accomplish when we don’t care who gets the credit.” We came together for a greater purpose, and it was humbling, inspiring, and emotional.

You can read that post here.

Since we’re getting back into our normal Model Behaviors swing post-Friscovania, one of our most popular series, Wellness Wednesday, is making its triumphant return!

I loved seeing Allison Hyde’s gorgeous hand-lettering throughout the stadium in the form of our Friscovania logo, so it’s great to have her back this week to illustrate our Word of the Month, togetherness.

With our presidential election and Thanksgiving coming up this month, we thought this was an apt word to keep in mind. Please share what togetherness means to you in our comments!

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