Barbara Guillaume's Intro to Reiki Healing | Model Behaviors

Barbara Guillaume’s Intro to Reiki Healing

In the last five years, I’ve been more and more interested in learning about ways to heal yourself with natural medicine. I decided I wouldn’t be  popping pills for every ache and pain. At first, I had so many questions about general well-being and healthcare. Things like, Why are our bodies getting sick? What creates the imbalance? Is modern medicine better than traditional medicine?

I did a lot of reading, online research, and had many conversations with both professionals and friend. From all the research and the conversations, the word Reiki kept coming up.

This lead me to conduct even more research, and I really liked what I found. Let me share with you what Reiki is.

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Barbara’s Hot Summer Beauty Picks

When is a shiny face too shiny? And how can we make it not shiny? These are the struggles we are met with, ladies!

Summer is here, so no matter where we live, where we go on a beautiful vacation, or what our activities are, the heat is here to stay, too. One thing we all have in common in this heat is ending up with “the shiny face.”

What we want is a gentle glow, that perfectly dewy complexion.

So today I’m providing a few different options to combat shine once and for all this summer.

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VIDEO: Barbara Guillaume’s Advice Is to Always Share the Love

Have you ever met someone who just exudes such an inner strength and fearless approach to life? Lucky for me, I have and she’s one of my closest friends. Barbara Guillaume possesses these qualities and inspires those around her to follow her example.

I’m honored to have known Barbara for thirteen years. She’s the kind of person who doesn’t take things at face value. She’s determined to know how and why things work, and most importantly, she’s on a mission to get better with age—pushing herself to the limit and never ever giving up on her dreams. She knows her value, traveling an arduous and unapologetic path to get to where she’s at in life. I love the freedom she possesses to say what she believes while believing wholeheartedly in what she says. She marches to her own beat, a beautiful rhythm with such depth and humility, and rooted in love.

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Why Leaving Facebook Could Be a Healthy Decision for All of Us | Model Behaviors

Why Leaving Facebook Could Be a Healthy Decision for All of Us

Let me start by saying I’m a big fan of social media!

If you follow me and see how much I post, you’ll know this about me. But this February I decided to take myself off Facebook.

The past couple months I noticed that every time I posted something showing my life as a makeup artist, I got hundreds of likes and comments saying my life looked so “unbelievable” and “glamorous,” but as soon as I posted something really meaningful—like signing a petition to end homelessness—I was barely getting any likes or comments at all. I don’t know if this was because no one cared or because Facebook’s algorithms didn’t show those posts to people. Maybe it was a combination of both.

Either way, that was the first thing that really upset me.

Then I started noticing how much time I was logged in, and I soon realized I was addicted! Addicted to seeing what everyone else was doing and addicted to seeing who liked my posts! I spent countless hours looking at my news feed.

But more than that, it started affecting me, making me feel depressed. I saw how everyone’s lives seemed so much more exciting than mine, and it made me feel lonely.

That raised a red flag. How can I have over 500 friends and feel so lonely? How is it that everyone seems to have such amazing lives and mine is so sad?

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