4 Self-Care Tips for the Holidays | Model Behaviors

4 Self-Care Tips for the Holidays

As I started writing this piece, I realized these weren’t only tips for the holiday season but for fall in general. In talking with my friends, moms or otherwise, we realized that once fall starts all the madness begins. It’s back to school, the beginning of activities for our kids, and countless events in the community. And then it’s Halloween and Thanksgiving and all of the December holiday festivities, not to mention birthdays and everything else in between. Ahhh! It’s enough to make you want to crawl back in bed and stay there. But who has time for that?!

As women we hear constantly how we need to take more time out for ourselves, but as we all know it’s easier said than done. I struggle with feelings of guilt or the idea that I should be tending to my never-ending to-do list and crossing more things off. Or if I have free time unexpectedly, it should always be spent with my girls, who I love more than anything in this world.  But then I realize that taking some time for myself is okay, and makes me a better mom, wife, daughter, sister, employee, and friend.

When I’m given the time to recharge, I’m not only better for myself but for all those who depend on me. Don’t get me wrong, I need to remind myself of that often. But instead of only reminding myself, I thought I could remind you as well. And share four self-care tips that I hope we will all find useful!

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The Transformative Power of a Birthday Slogan | Model Behaviors

The Transformative Power of a Birthday Slogan

Every year I get together with my closest friends. I’m lucky enough that my closest friends are my sister and cousins. Since we’re so close, we’ve been named by other friends as the sister-cousins. It’s so important to surround myself with motivating and powerful women that make me want to be a better person, and that’s what we all are to each other. Not only are they all extremely motivated and inspiring, they also like to enjoy the ride and make the most of every moment.

Each year for our birthdays, I ask my sister-cousins a now-notorious question, “What’s your birthday slogan?”

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Wellness Wednesday: SELF-LOVE | Model Behaviors

Wellness Wednesday: SELF-LOVE

Welcome to our first Wellness Wednesday of the month! We’ve asked the lovely Marzia Prince to select a theme word and quotes for us to focus on throughout April. She chose self-love and selected three thought-provoking quotes to accompany her word.

When Courtney found out what our word was, she told me she was inspired to write about it. I won’t say too much more because I don’t want to spoil anything, but definitely read her post today and reflect on our word of the month—self-love.

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NOTICE: Model Behaviors Is Taking a Brief Vacation | Model Behaviors

NOTICE: Model Behaviors Is Taking a Brief Vacation

We’ve been posting nonstop for almost a year and a half now. Since Model Behaviors is all about self-care, balance, and health, we thought this year around the time of Spring Break would be a great opportunity for us to step away for a moment and recharge.

We’ll be back next week with our usual Wellness Wednesday post, but until then, enjoy yourselves. We’ll see you soon!

Why Leaving Facebook Could Be a Healthy Decision for All of Us | Model Behaviors

Why Leaving Facebook Could Be a Healthy Decision for All of Us

Let me start by saying I’m a big fan of social media!

If you follow me and see how much I post, you’ll know this about me. But this February I decided to take myself off Facebook.

The past couple months I noticed that every time I posted something showing my life as a makeup artist, I got hundreds of likes and comments saying my life looked so “unbelievable” and “glamorous,” but as soon as I posted something really meaningful—like signing a petition to end homelessness—I was barely getting any likes or comments at all. I don’t know if this was because no one cared or because Facebook’s algorithms didn’t show those posts to people. Maybe it was a combination of both.

Either way, that was the first thing that really upset me.

Then I started noticing how much time I was logged in, and I soon realized I was addicted! Addicted to seeing what everyone else was doing and addicted to seeing who liked my posts! I spent countless hours looking at my news feed.

But more than that, it started affecting me, making me feel depressed. I saw how everyone’s lives seemed so much more exciting than mine, and it made me feel lonely.

That raised a red flag. How can I have over 500 friends and feel so lonely? How is it that everyone seems to have such amazing lives and mine is so sad?

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