Wellness Wednesday: ADVENTURESOME | Model Behaviors

Wellness Wednesday: ADVENTURESOME

Welcome to our first Wellness Wednesday post of the month and of the New  Year! Our featured Behaviorist for January is Rachel, who’s chosen “adventuresome” as her theme word. We’re so thrilled to have Rachel on Team MB. From her first interview with us back in September to her latest melt-in-your-mouth fudge recipe, Rachel has shown that she’s game to try anything, especially in pursuit of self-growth and personal development. And as you’ll quickly learn after spending any time with her or reading any of her posts, she’s passionate about supporting women and creating a community that lifts each other up and pushes each other to be our best selves. 

Today Rachel shares why she’s chosen “adventuresome” and what this theme word brings to her life.

“Adventuresome” is an adjective, which means bold, daring, and adventurous as defined by dictionary.com.

Wellness Wednesday: ADVENTURESOME | Model Behaviors

They say life is an adventure. I believe that if you choose to step up to the plate, have the courage to take challenges head-on, and be open to new opportunities, then you have the chance to live life in a bold and daring way.

I chose the theme word adventuresome because over the last few years, I’ve come to believe in living life to the fullest, seeking out new challenges, and engaging in enriching experiences.

Wellness Wednesday: ADVENTURESOME | Model Behaviors

Growing up, my dad always stressed the importance of exploring the world. Whenever we took vacations, he was the first one out of bed with an agenda in hand, filling every minute of our time exploring, sightseeing, and taking in a new culture.

I appreciate that passion to discover and explore that encompasses my father’s personality. Although, to be honest, I didn’t always have that appreciation for it. When we were teenagers, my brother and I just wanted to sleep in, lounge around, and slowly make our way out of the condo. However, nowadays, when we take trips, my whole family is up and at ’em, ready to take on the day’s adventure and explore God’s beauty in a new destination.

Wellness Wednesday: ADVENTURESOME | Model Behaviors

Wellness Wednesday: ADVENTURESOME | Model Behaviors

Wellness Wednesday: ADVENTURESOME | Model Behaviors

As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”

Don’t sit by the wayside, don’t let life pass you by, jump in with both feet and be bold, daring to take risks.

Life is all about maximizing your opportunities. You only have this one life, don’t waste it. Experience as much as possible and make the most of it.

Wellness Wednesday: ADVENTURESOME | Model Behaviors

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain

I began implementing this theme word into my life following high school. I decided to attend the University of Oklahoma. I didn’t know a single person. No one from my graduating class was going there, granted my graduating class was only 20 students, but still. I know it might not sound like much, but when it’s the first time you move states, move out of your house, and leave your family, it can be a tad scary. I chose to be bold and daring and venture out of my parents’ house for the first time into unknown territory.

Let me tell you. It was a fantastic decision.

During my time at OU, I was a part of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority and was also a part of the OU Rowing team. I’d never rowed before in my life, but I heard they were holding open tryouts, so I thought, “I could do that, and hey, being a DI athlete will look good on my resume.” So I tried out and made the team. It was a bold move, but it was where I grew some of the best friendships and created memories that I’ll always cherish.

Wellness Wednesday: ADVENTURESOME | Model Behaviors

Upon graduating, and loving every minute of my time at OU, I accepted a job with the Kansas City Chiefs, again knowing no one. I had a few family members scattered throughout Kansas, but none close to Kansas City. I started off as a part-time employee, making no money and working two other jobs on the side just to be able to pay the rent. Eventually, I was hired on full-time and ended up being there for three seasons. I truly feel like I maximized my time with the Chiefs. I worked crazy long hours, hosted a show, wrote for the website daily, and built up a great reel. It all led me to my next gig.

Wellness Wednesday: ADVENTURESOME | Model Behaviors

While living in Kansas, I participated in the Miss KS USA pageant. It was difficult, time consuming, tested my self-control, and pushed me way out of my comfort zone. I’d always watched the Miss USA pageant on TV and admired those girls for their drive and gumption, but never thought about competing. In the end, I asked myself this question, “Why try to live vicariously through someone else when I can do it myself?”

After much consideration, I decided to go for it—I was going to at least try to compete for the crown. I spent hours in the gym, ate a lot of protein and vegetables, raised money, searched for sponsors, worked with a pageant coach and a speech coach, constantly read the news and kept up on current events, practiced answering political questions…you get the point. It’s a lot more work than people think.

“Don’t ever live vicariously. This is your life. Live.” ― Lavinia Spalding

It’s risky, going up onstage in front of hundreds of people, answering questions, walking this very specific “pageant walk,” modeling in a bikini, speaking with judges, and more. It’s not the most relaxing thing to do. But it pushed me and challenged me, and I was able to be bold and daring, knowing full well I could’ve been eliminated quickly. But looking back, it was an incredible experience, and I’m so thankful God led me through it and helped me take that leap to accomplish my goal.

Wellness Wednesday: ADVENTURESOME | Model Behaviors

After the pageant, I moved down to San Antonio, TX to work for Fox Sports Southwest and the San Antonio Spurs, and you guessed it, I didn’t know anyone! I had no friends coming in. I had no family close by. I left my friends and boyfriend in Kansas and had to once again start over in a new city and make a life for myself.

Don’t get me wrong, I chose to move away three times, and yes, at times it has been tough and very difficult, but it isn’t the end of the world. I’ve channeled my inner adventuresome spirit, put on my big-girl shoes, prayed a lot, and enjoyed the ride.

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” – Helen Keller

It’s not always easy. It’s hard to take the path less traveled sometimes. It’s difficult to be bold and daring and live your adventure. People don’t always understand the choices you make or the way you live. But you have to decide your own adventure, your own path, and step out of your comfort zone.

You don’t necessarily have to go jump out of a plane or try to conquer your biggest fear to be adventuresome. Living an adventurous life is also just having the willingness to try something new, to push yourself to do a little better, maybe work a little harder, or take opportunities that come your way.

If you typically say no when it comes to trying new foods, try saying yes this week. If you tend to come up with excuses when your coworkers ask you to go to dinner or happy hour, try it. Don’t get stuck in the same tired routine, try living a little more boldly and a tad more daring. You just might be surprised at the people you meet, the things you enjoy, and the adventure you encounter.

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” – Neale Donald Walsch

I chose the word “adventuresome” because these last few years I’ve taken on a bolder and more daring passion for life. I’ve learned time is precious and it’s just not as much fun to sit on the sidelines. Jump in. Live a little. Be the best you that you can be, and take some risks to get there.

“The only question in life is whether or not you are going to answer a hearty ‘YES!’ to your adventure.” — Joseph Campbell

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Written by Rachel

Rachel Santschi is a reporter for the San Antonio Spurs. She enjoys talking with people, learning their stories, and discussing the experiences that shaped them into who they are today.

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