VIDEO: Rachel Santschi's Advice for Women Pursuing the Career of Their Dreams | Model Behaviors

Rachel Santschi’s Advice for Women Pursuing the Career of Their Dreams

It’s time for a little Behaviorist brag because seriously, when I look at this amazing lineup of women I get to work with on a daily basis, I have to pinch myself!

Rachel Santschi, our sports expert and all around go-get-’em enthusiast, has worked really hard to get where she is today—a reporter for the San Antonio Spurs and a sideline reporter for Fox Sports Southwest. It’s taken years of effort and determination to get there, but Rachel didn’t give up. She knows what she wants, and with a spirit of ineffable adventure, she pursues her dreams.

In her video, she encourages women to go after the things they want, no matter who tells them they can’t and no matter what obstacles stand in their way. I remember as a young girl having visions of myself as the President of the United States or as an Olympic gymnast. These weren’t dreams that I ever seriously wanted to achieve, but what I remember most about them is the absolute truth that I could achieve them if I truly put in the effort. No doubt. No hesitation.

Somewhere along the way, we women lose touch with this innate inner confidence. Then we slowly have to build it back up. When I meet women like Rachel, women who wholeheartedly believe in themselves, it reignites my own confidence. I’m ready to tackle any challenge head-on.

Be sure to read yesterday’s Wellness Wednesday post, where Rachel shared her story about a traumatic childhood injury that’s shaped her entire life in ways she could’ve never imagined.

Written by Rachel

Rachel Santschi is a reporter for the San Antonio Spurs. She enjoys talking with people, learning their stories, and discussing the experiences that shaped them into who they are today.

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