Wellness Wednesday: EVOLUTION (+ FREE Hand-Lettered Downloads)

Hello, MB readers! It’s your accountability partner calling! I’m back and I seriously missed you guys. No joke I did. I’ve been thinking about how everyone’s January went and how the New Year is beginning for you. If you’re anything like me—or a lot of us out there—you like to set some resolutions or goals for yourself at the beginning of the year.

This year versus previous years I decided to change my strategy a little bit and not only make my resolutions more specific (e.g., “I will cook 3-4 times per week” vs “I will cook more”) but to set them just for the month at hand so that I had some very real objectives to achieve and a timeline around achieving them. It’s part of my personal evolution that I hope you’ll be a part of, and in turn share yours with me!

Again in my role as one of your Behaviorists, and more specifically an adviser for the Model Behaviors Mommy Makeover Contest, I’m committed to being your accountability partner, so please feel free to lean on me the way I lean on the accountability partners in my life. If you need to reach out to me, you can email me at priya [dot] modelbehaviors [at] gmail [dot] com.


Wellness Wednesday: EVOLUTION (+ FREE Hand-Lettered Download) | Model Behaviors

So you might’ve noticed during every revamp on the site, all of us Behaviorists pick a theme word for our collage page. Since I just joined MB, it’s my first time choosing one, and I chose evolution. If you read my interview or my tips for the New Year post, first of all thank you! Second, you might’ve noticed that continued personal growth is extremely important to me. After having Aria and Anya (my two daughters), I realized that there’ve always been things I wanted to change and improve about myself, but to me true evolution is not only about recognizing those things but taking active steps.

Yes, as cheesy as it sounds, it’s about not just talking the talk but walking the walk as well. It means taking the time to make small and real changes. When we’re not changing and growing, we’re stagnant, and that’s not a place I want to be. So in the vein of walking the walk, I hope you’ll join me each week for my Wellness Wednesday posts, where I’ll share my journey and how I’m currently implementing evolution in my life.

Wellness Wednesday: EVOLUTION (+ FREE Hand-Lettered Download) | Model Behaviors

To start off, here’s my SMART goal for February.

Specific: Read one new book this month that will help me on my path to self-growth, in other words something that I believe will help cultivate habits that make me a better person, in turn making me a better mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend.
Measurable: I commit to complete that one book by February 29th, which will force me to read in my free moments vs doing something else.
Achievable: I will read Daring Greatly by Brené Brown.
Realistic: This book’s extended title is Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent and Lead. I’ve read another one of Brown’s books and her messages are always geared toward making us the best versions of ourselves which plays right into incorporating personal evolution into my life.
Time-Bound: To make my goal even more specific, there are 7 chapters in the book.  I will read two chapters a week for the first 3 weeks and 1 chapter the last week.  I do believe this is an attainable goal and is material I will enjoy reading and learning from.  As stated before my goal is to complete this in four weeks.

Wellness Wednesday: EVOLUTION (+ FREE Hand-Lettered Download) | Model Behaviors

Following the lead from this week’s SMART goal webinar, how will you specifically make “evolution” part of your everyday routine? I challenge you to dig down and get really specific. Tell us how, when, where, and how often you will actively take steps toward this month’s objective. You can even use Toni’s awesome SMART goal formula like I have above.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my world with you, and I can’t wait to hear more about yours! Share your February goal in the comments section below!

She in the Making | Model Behaviors
Kelsey Lemons

The hand-lettered “evolution” graphic was designed by Kelsey Lemons, owner of She in the Making. We’re big fans of keeping our intentions close and present. When you sign up for our mailing list below, you’ll receive FREE downloadable background images of these designs for your computer or phone backgrounds. This way your monthly goals and intentions will be at the forefront of your mind on a daily basis. 

Follow Kelsey online: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


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The Comeback

Written by Priya

Priya Bhola Rathod has spent her career working in media and entertainment, from both a business development and on-camera host perspective. She's the mother of two young girls and is passionate about women sharing their stories.

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