The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In

The moment has arrived! It’s time for our very first check-in with all of our Mommy Makeover participants. There have definitely been some incredible highs as well as some unforeseen lows, but our group of women is strong, and in the few short weeks of this contest so far, we’ve created a powerful support system to keep ourselves dedicated and on the path to a healthier, happier lifestyle!

Read “Introducing the Mommy Makeover Contest Participants” for more details about our participants, our advisers, and the contest itself!

To give you a closer look at how our support system works, at the bottom of each participant’s check-in is a little excerpt from our Comeback Circle Facebook group. If you’re interested in joining, I’ve included details at the end of this post!

And now we’ll hear directly from each participant on how this first month of their transformation went, including their AdvoCare 24-Day Challenges.


The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors

Pounds and inches lost: 7.2 lbs and 15 inches!

What was your challenge from Toni and Priya after the last webinar, and were you able to meet that challenge?

My challenge was to really focus on myself and tell myself something positive every day. I chose to repeat, “I am deserving.” It really helped start my day off right.

What inspired you the most throughout this first month?

Our Facebook page, by far. I love all the ladies on there, and I check it periodically throughout the day. I always know that I need to report back to them and hold myself accountable. This made it easier going to the gym and making healthy food choices. Each and every one of them is working her tail off, so why should I do any different?

What was the biggest struggle this month?

I knew that we were eventually going to have to weigh ourselves. Because of my thyroid, the weight usually does not come off for me. This made me extremely nervous. Having that thought in the back of my head—wondering if I was going to even lose a pound—was haunting me. Marzia said it’s a mental thing. I haven’t been able to lose weight in years, but Marzia was right! Here I am 7.2 lbs down! WHAT?! Is this real life!?

I’m not worried about my weight. The inches are coming off, and I know that’s what truly matters. I’m healthier and feel amazing. It’s only week 4. I can’t imagine how amazing week 6…9…and 12 will be! I’ll be wedding dress shopping at the end of this. I have no doubt!

The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors

What are your overall feelings after completing the AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge?

Amazing! Each time I learn something different about myself and what works best for my body. It makes me feel so much better about myself, not only physically, but mentally as well.

Would you recommend this challenge to others? Why?

I would 100% recommend the 24-Day Challenge to anyone and everyone. Whether it’s weight loss, wellness, or energy, the challenge can give people all of these things and more. It can give them their life back. Which is exactly what it did for me.

What advice from our advisers resonated with you and helped you the most this month?

Every single one of the advisers has made an impact on my journey and my everyday life. I wouldn’t be where I am, let alone have as much determination as I do, if it weren’t for their encouragement, love, and friendship.

I loved Laurie’s advice to not be embarrassed by your starting point. Priya has a gift to help you look at your life and feel better about all aspects. Candace is such a leader. She constantly wants to make sure we are on the right page and not lost or confused. She genuinely cares about us and our lives. Marzia has helped me understand my body more than anyone ever has. Toni is amazing and such an inspiration to live the life we were meant to live. She knows how to encourage people and lift them up while also letting them know it’s okay to have bad days. To just pick up where you left off and never give up.

These women have made a huge impact on my life, and I’m not sure they’ll ever truly understand. They’ve given me hope when I no longer had any. The life I was living just felt like I was going through the motions. Each day when I wake up now, I have purpose. I’m growing more as a woman and mother. I’m so much happier, and our home feels it. I’m not depressed when getting dressed anymore. I absolutely love each and every single one of these ladies from the bottom of my heart!

As a mom, how has this contest affected your life so far?

I think I answered this in my long essay response to question seven! I’m just happier with myself, which in turn makes me happier at home and with the people I love.

The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors

The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors


The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors

Pounds and inches lost: 3lbs lost, 2 inches lost around waist

What was your challenge from Toni and Priya after the last webinar, and were you able to meet that challenge?

My challenge was to make time for healthy eating and to stick with that plan and make it a family affair. Overall, we were able to stick with it. We did have some cheat nights, but all things considered, we achieved a new pattern of thinking when it comes to meal planning. This month was especially challenging because we had an event every weekend (hockey game in St. Louis with close friends, a trip to Iceland, trivia night with friends, and more), but we were still able to navigate that and make (mostly) smart choices while not feeling like we were missing out.

What inspired you the most throughout this first month?

The Facebook group has been very helpful. When you start a new fitness plan, it’s easy to feel alone and constantly surrounded by old temptations. It’s very easy to fall back into old habits. Knowing I had the support of a lot of people from around the country gave me renewed motivation.

What was the biggest struggle this month?

My biggest struggle was to not revert back to bad habits when I was in a hurry. February has been a hectic month, so it was sometimes easier for me to say, “I’ll just grab something to go” or “I’m so tired, I don’t want to work out.”

The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors

What are your overall feelings after completing the AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge?

I feel better about nutrition choices. I feel like I have more energy in the mornings, and a more positive outlook on the day.

Would you recommend this challenge to others? Why?

I would. I think AdvoCare makes it very easy to get what your body needs. I can’t remember a time I felt hungry, which has always been my biggest downfall in the past.

What advice from our advisers resonated with you and helped you the most this month?

I don’t know if it was any one piece of advice that stuck with me as much as it was the positive energy the advisers bring to everything. I’ve never felt more positive and inspired than I do when I’m surrounded by the posts from the advisers and other people in the Comeback Circle group. It’s amazing that they’ve created this inviting, safe space because it makes me want to share my successes and setbacks. I know that when I do, there will be someone there to lift me up.

In line with that, another aspect I’ve noticed is the acceptance of “cheat moments.” Cheat moments don’t make me weak, and they don’t make this path to success any less attainable. We all have those days and those days are okay.

As a mom, how has this contest affected your life so far?

It’s helped me put more importance on what I do for me AND what I do for Remington. For instance, I’ll make him these really lovely and healthy meals, but I eat leftover takeout. I’ll encourage him to run around the yard and explore, but I curl up on the couch during my free time.

Now my thought process has shifted to where I’m more cognizant of the way I view myself and my own health and fitness because ultimately, all those things I want for him aren’t the same if I’m not the best version of myself. I’m a better mom for it.

The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors

The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors


The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors

Pounds and inches lost: 2.5 pounds and 2.75 inches

What was your challenge from Toni and Priya after the last webinar, and were you able to meet that challenge?

My challenge was to post notes with my quote, “I’m so much more pleasant when I work out!” on my diaper bin. I put this on my diaper bin and also my AdvoCare box because I always seemed to check both of these several times a day. It was a huge success in reminding me that I truly am so much happier on days when I work out.

What inspired you the most throughout this first month?

First, the Comeback Circle group on Facebook was a huge inspiration. Seeing people post workouts and meals made me want to work out and try new healthy meals.

Second, how I felt overall. Up until this past Friday when I went to the hospital and got diagnosed with kidney stones, I was on a complete high. I felt good, my clothes fit better, I was proud of myself, but most of all I was a happy mom. By this, I mean I had so much more appreciation for being able to stay home and enjoy my kids. Instead of getting upset when someone had a meltdown, I was able to keep my cool and not feel so bottled up. My husband and kids noticed a huge change too.

What was the biggest struggle this month?

Getting to the gym. There were so many days where I would feel bad for leaving the kids and not tucking them in, or for leaving the house rather than spending extra time with my husband. However, I realize that I can use my time better on my days off to do extra activities with the kids and husband to help alleviate the guilt. The note also reminded me of what is so, so true. I’m happier on a balanced diet and good fitness routine.

Another struggle was the temptations of sweets and unhealthy foods. The kids got a lot of Valentine’s candy, and Super Bowl Sunday was rough. I didn’t completely cut myself off but instead allowed myself a little treat from time to time because I felt I deserved it.

Lastly, a huge struggle was cutting coffee and sugars. The first 5 days of the challenge I had a horrible headache. After speaking to Marzia, she explained that it’s my body detoxing. It was hard to trust that I was doing the right thing for my body because I was not feeling great.

The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors

What are your overall feelings after completing the AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge?

My physical ability grew as well as my mental outlook. I look back and know that before this challenge I overate and felt sluggish. The challenge taught me how to control my portions, not overindulge, and also how to enjoy healthy meals without feeling guilty for eating too much. Water consumption is also a huge factor in how you feel and what your body needs. This challenge helped tremendously by reminding me the importance of fluid intake.

Would you recommend this challenge to others? Why?

I would recommend this challenge to anyone who’s serious about changing their lifestyle and their overall health. Unlike other diets, the 24-Day Challenge teaches you how to eat properly and lose weight in a healthy way. It’s more of a lifestyle change and provides you with what your body needs to function at its best.

What advice from our advisers resonated with you and helped you the most this month?

Marzia: I loved her advice to trust the diet and know that this was my body detoxing. By trusting her, I was able to kick my coffee habit and get past that hurdle. Also her amazing workouts! The step-by-step videos and how-to have kicked my fitness level into gear. I’ve never been confident in the gym, but her breakdown and workouts have helped tremendously.

Candace: Her advice on supplements, water, and vegetable intake really helped me have a better understanding of why I needed to do this and why it was important. I can read all about health, but hearing it from a professional really makes it easier to understand why and how it’s beneficial to my body.

Priya: Her advice and daily reminder has been wonderful. At her suggestion, I’ve been doing a lot of self-talk not just with the note but telling myself “I can do this!” and “Get through it!” I’ve never engaged in self-talk, but it helped get me through on days where I did not want to train and days when I felt bad for leaving the kids.

Toni and the women on the group: These ladies had a major impact on me daily. Being home with the kids I do not have a lot of adult interaction and conversation. Their posts and comments in the Comeback Circle were inspiring and so motivating. Some days all it would take was someone posting a gym selfie and I’d say to myself, “You know what, I better get to the gym too!”

As a mom, how has this contest affected your life so far?

As a mom I’m happier than I’ve ever been being home with my kids. I feel as if something was missing in me, but I couldn’t put my finger on what I needed or why I could not fully appreciate my purpose as a stay-at-home mom. I wake up feeling excited to start the day and get my things done around the house so I can reward myself with my workout later on.

I also notice I have so much more time with my kids where I’m patient with them. I’ve always been patient, but so many days I would just feel like I wasn’t meant to stay home because my fuse would run short. Now the gym has become my release and a place where I can go to unwind and remind myself that everybody needs a reset button. It completes my balance and gives me energy, patience, and a better understanding of how to handle being a stay-at-home mom while remaining true to myself.

The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors

The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors


The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors

Pounds and inches lost: I’m down 6.5 lbs! Almost down to pre-baby weight (although my goals are to get way less than that!). I’m also seeing the midsection post-baby bulge nearly gone, my face thinning, and better posture as I start to rebuild core strength. This slow and steady loss feels good and is sustainable.

What was your challenge from Toni and Priya after the last webinar, and were you able to meet that challenge?

My challenge was to meet my “steps” goal daily. Luckily I was cleared to exercise after week one, so I was able to incorporate a workout plan from Marzia that is very challenging. So I plan my daily practice around the weather. If it’s too cold or snowy, I do a Marzia workout, and if not, I hit the pavement. I can say I’ve met or exceeded my goal by being active and raising my heartbeat daily.

What inspired you the most throughout this first month?

The accountability! The personal accountability to complete my AdvoCare daily pack, to log my food using My Fitness Pal, and then log my steps or workout. Then, on the days when I just wanted to say forget it, the Comeback Circle Facebook group really served as the inspiration to press on.

What was the biggest struggle this month?

Food boredom. The first two weeks I was excited for new food and shopped happily down the aisles. My last food shopping trip, I looked at my cart with disdain. There’s only so many salads and lettuce wraps one person can eat! The images of my peers on the Facebook page have helped, and I’ve found myself using a lot of peppers and citrus to add spice and flavor.

The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors

What are your overall feelings after completing the AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge?

I was so impressed by the products. I never felt jittery or nauseous or hungry. It’s really more of a step to healthful and mindful eating. The guided book helped, and although I couldn’t take many of the supplements during the Max Phase since I’m nursing, I felt so confident in the coaching that Candace really knew from personal experience what I should do. That was a tremendous reassurance since nursing moms want to be sure that there’s enough milk for her baby and that good things are being passed on.

Would you recommend this challenge to others? Why?

This is not a quick fix, and for that, I absolutely would recommend AdvoCare. It didn’t feel like a diet, just a way to think about what you’re consuming and start to eliminate the junk. Plus, the shakes are a delicious break from meal prep! I was shocked that a new, nursing mom could take this, so I would recommend to my mommy friends as a way to get back on track, especially for those (like me) who ate everything while pregnant!

What advice from our advisers resonated with you and helped you the most this month?

Each adviser has contributed so much, from photos of them practicing what they preach in workout and food photos to inspirational quotes and encouragement, that I don’t think it’s fair to choose only one!

As a mom, how has this contest affected your life so far?

I’m already feeling better in my own skin and have another month or so before I have to be in a bathing suit! I feel more settled when it’s time for bed since I’ve had some alone time exercising during the day to clear my head. My household is running smoother since meal prep is a priority. We’re no longer waiting until we are starving and cranky before ordering in! Even my 19-month-old is eating (and loving) quinoa!

The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors\

The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors


The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors

Pounds and inches lost: 8.5 lbs and 4 inches

What was your challenge from Toni and Priya after the last webinar, and were you able to meet that challenge?

My challenge was to set up a weekly time with my in-laws for us to check in and schedule babysitting times for the upcoming week. This would allow me to plan my workouts in advance and stick to them. Now I can say, yes! I was able to meet the challenge. I had a slow start with the working out due to my bronchitis during week 1 and part of week 2, but after that is was very achievable. I’ve also been able to encourage teachers to walk with me at school as well!

What inspired you the most throughout this first month?

The hope and vision of actually making a physical change really inspired me! The fact that all the tools were provided for me was awesome! My phone calls with Candace and Marzia were super motivating and helped me get my mind set for the challenge.

What was the biggest struggle this month?

Food, food, food! Eating healthy is so hard! Having to eat healthy and make good food choices was the hardest thing for me. It’s a daily battle.

The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors

What are your overall feelings after completing the AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge?

Overall it was a good experience. I had to get used to the products and taking all the supplements at a certain time of day. My only concern is what happens when we stop using the product?  I feel like it may be more realistic to eat right and exercise so that you can keep up the habits.

Would you recommend this challenge to others? Why?

If someone can afford to be on the entire AdvoCare product as a lifestyle or just need a kick start, sure why not?

What advice from our advisers resonated with you and helped you the most this month?

I loved Marzia’s advice on foods! Her blog is amazing! It really makes sense to try to stick to a plant-based diet. Her circuit training program was also awesome! I also loved the motivation and encouraging words from our advisors in the Facebook group! Super helpful!

As a mom, how has this contest affected your life so far?

The biggest impact is the language and conversation that goes on in my home with my husband and children. We are constantly talking about eating healthy and choosing healthy foods. It’s great to grocery shop with them now and watch them eat healthy snacks and foods!

The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors

The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors

The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors


The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors

Pounds and inches lost: 2 pounds and 2 inches

What was your challenge from Toni and Priya after the last webinar, and were you able to meet that challenge?

I didn’t share my challenge, but mine was to stay away from the late-night snacking. I’ve been able to do that…barely.

What inspired you the most throughout this first month?

Seeing everyone’s success has added fuel to my fire. It’s normal to be confronted with self-doubt here and there, but each time I see the photos of the participants and the women who are dedicated in our Facebook Comeback Circle group, I gain some newfound energy.

What was the biggest struggle this month?

Trying not to reward myself with bad food and alcohol at functions.

The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors

What are your overall feelings after completing the AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge?

It requires a lot of planning, especially if you’re like me and don’t have regimented days. That said, it always helps me refocus and stay accountable. I become more aware of what I’m putting into my body because this challenge requires true dedication to do it and do it well!

Would you recommend this challenge to others? Why?

Of course…it works! But, if you’re going to do it, be ready and be serious about doing it.

What advice from our advisers resonated with you and helped you the most this month?

I knew these women already (lucky me), but what really stuck out is how they lead by example. They don’t ask of others what they aren’t doing themselves.

As a mom, how has this contest affected your life so far?

It’s created a sense of sisterhood with kindred and like-minded women. It’s so easy to give everything away to our families and forget about ourselves. But with the right support system, every woman (mother or not) can and should be successful!

The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In | Model Behaviors

Our next webinar is scheduled for this Sunday, February 28 at 4:00 p.m. Central Standard Time. In it, Priya and I will be discussing each participant’s strengths and how they can use them to the best advantage to meet their March goals.

Sign up for the webinar here! Or click the banner below!

The Comeback Circle | Model Behaviors

We’d love to see you there!

WATCH: Last month’s Comeback Circle webinar where we met our advisers and participants, set goals together, and talked about a few of the realities for making such a huge lifestyle shift.

If you’d like to join the Comeback Circle Facebook group, just sign up for our mailing list below, and we’ll send you all the details! Make sure “The Comeback” is selected when you sign up, so we know to send you the info!

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The Comeback Circle

Written by Toni

Toni Muñoz-Hunt is the founder and creator of Model Behaviors. As a mother, writer, and activist, she wholeheartedly believes in empowering women and their communities through the art of storytelling and self-awareness.

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