The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In

The moment has arrived! It’s time for our very first check-in with all of our Mommy Makeover participants. There have definitely been some incredible highs as well as some unforeseen lows, but our group of women is strong, and in the few short weeks of this contest so far, we’ve created a powerful support system to keep ourselves dedicated and on the path to a healthier, happier lifestyle!

Read “Introducing the Mommy Makeover Contest Participants” for more details about our participants, our advisers, and the contest itself!

To give you a closer look at how our support system works, at the bottom of each participant’s check-in is a little excerpt from our Comeback Circle Facebook group. If you’re interested in joining, I’ve included details at the end of this post!

And now we’ll hear directly from each participant on how this first month of their transformation went, including their AdvoCare 24-Day Challenges.

Read More “The Mommy Makeover Contest: First Check-In” >

AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge Completed; Model Behaviors Starts Selling AdvoCare

Can you believe it, 10 women and 46 pounds later, and we have successfully finished the AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge? I was so blown away by this experience and the response from Model Behaviors’ readers that I’ve decided to become an AdvoCare distributor. Here is the link to the AdvoCare shop. To get the real scoop on AdvoCare, we asked our Challengers to share their stories and advice with the rest of you who want to jumpstart your own healthy lifestyles.  Thank you to everyone who participated on this wellness journey, and to everyone else who has been inspired to take the Challenge on your own.

To your continued success!


Read More “AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge Completed; Model Behaviors Starts Selling AdvoCare” >