Announcing the AdvoCare + Coaching Giveaway Winner | Model Behaviors

Announcing the AdvoCare Giveaway Winner

Thank you so much to everyone who read both of our Woman of the Month features with Candace Oliver and to everyone who entered the giveaway for a customized AdvoCare plan with coaching from Candace! We’re so honored to have Candace as a Mommy Makeover adviser and as our April Woman of the Month.

I won’t keep you waiting.

The winner of Candace’s giveaway is…Kolbe Elizabeth!

Congratulations! You’ve won $100 worth of a customized AdvoCare plan with coaching from Candace herself! We’ll send out an email shortly with details on how to claim your prize.

If you weren’t selected but you’d still like to work with Candace, you can find her AdvoCare distributor page here or email her at weproducechampions [at] gmail [dot] com. Anyone who orders products from her distributor page automatically gets her as a coach.

We’ll announce our May Woman of the Month next week, but until then make sure you read our in-depth interview with Candace and her Day in the Life feature if you missed them!

You can follow Candace online: Website | Instagram

Written by Toni

Toni Muñoz-Hunt is the founder and creator of Model Behaviors. As a mother, writer, and activist, she wholeheartedly believes in empowering women and their communities through the art of storytelling and self-awareness.

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