Week Three on the AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge

We’re close to the finish line! After three weeks, we’re just a couple of days away from completing the Max Phase and wrapping up the entire AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge.  So, we asked each challenger to sum up her experience with both the Herbal Cleanse Phase and the Max Phase, and here’s what they had to say:


Toni Week 3
Herbal Cleanse Phase: I’ve done tons of cleanses over the years, but the Herbal Cleanse Phase of the AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge was my favorite.  After two to three days of being lethargic, I started to really feel my system cleaning itself out, and then, I began feeling reenergized.  I lost 4 pesky pounds that had been lingering since Christmas and Valentine’s Day.
Max Phase: Well I’m not going to lie, it has been a lot of pill popping, but I’ve never felt better!  In fact, in this short amount of time, I’ve really seen my body transform.
Weight Loss during the Max Phase:  1 pound


sedona week 3
Herbal Cleanse Phase: This phase is all about having a restroom close by, and among other business, you will urinate frequently.  As my daughter says, “You don’t want to have an accident in your big girl pants.”
Max Phase: The two things that I noticed during the Max Phase were increased energy and appetite suppression. I wasn’t really looking to diet, but what I noticed and appreciated was that I did not have the urge to make bad dietary choices.
Weight Loss during the Max Phase: 3 pounds.


mikey week3
Herbal Cleanse Phase: This was a clean and great feeling.
Max Phase: This was tough because I wasn’t used to taking all the pills, but it made me feel wonderful.
Weight Loss during the Max Phase: 1.5 pounds.


melissa week 3
Herbal Cleanse Phase: It was fine for a few days, but for me it was too many restroom trips in an 11 day period.
Max Phase: The shake did not taste very good, and there were more supplements than I felt comfortable taking.
Weight Loss during the Max Phase: 2 pounds


Renate Week 3
Herbal Cleanse Phase: Because of my gluten free diet and food sensitivities, I wasn’t able to follow the Cleanse Phase.
Max Phase: I modified the Max Phase and stayed away from gluten, dairy and sugar substitutes, and when I lessened the dosage of the pills subscribed, I felt great.
Weight Loss during the Max Phase: 1 pound


ems week 3
Herbal Cleanse Phase: I thought the Herbal Cleanse Phase was great for eliminating toxins.  I liked that we were able to eat solid foods in addition to taking the supplements.
Max Phase: I thought the Max Phase definitely provided the energy boost I was looking for.  I felt refreshed and energized enough each day to complete workouts in addition to eating healthy.
Weight Loss during the Max Phase: 3.2 pounds.


bu week 3
Herbal Cleanse Phase: The Herbal Cleanse Phase was amazing. I truly felt like I had more energy and was very cautious about what I was putting into my body.
Max Phase: The Max Phase was challenging, I really had to put something in my stomach when taking the pills.
Weight Loss during the Max Phase: 2 pounds


f+ week3
Herbal Cleanse Phase:
Max Phase: I really didn’t like the entire system.  It has too many steps and pills to take.  My energy level was high but to the point that sometimes I was jittery.  I am thinking that some of the pills have caffeine in them.  The upside is that I do like the chocolate meal replacement shake, and it is an easy way to eat on the go.
Weight Loss during the Max Phase: I did not lose any weight.


jean week 3
Herbal Cleanse Phase: During the cleanse phase I felt wonderful and I had a lot of energy.
Max Phase: I felt the difference in my clothes and it felt great, despite the reaction I had at the beginning.
Weight Loss during the Max Phase: 5 pounds

Lola – Lola’s information forthcoming

Herbal Cleanse Phase:
Max Phase:
Weight Loss during the Max Phase

Only two days left; so stay tuned for the final wrap up on Wednesday!


Written by Toni

Toni Muñoz-Hunt is the founder and creator of Model Behaviors. As a mother, writer, and activist, she wholeheartedly believes in empowering women and their communities through the art of storytelling and self-awareness.

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