Juice: Mango-Papaya Tango

Sometimes your body needs a tropical vacation just as much as your mind does.  Take a trip to the sweet side of juicing, and enjoy this tropical fusion of fun fit for the sun. 


Juice: Mango-Papaya Tango
Prep time
Total time
Serves: 6-8
  • 2 pineapples— for anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits
  • 5 mangos—low-fat, low-calorie source of fiber, rich in vitamin A and C
  • 3 limes— potent antioxidant with antibiotic benefits
  • 2 papayas—rich in a plethora of vitamins and nutrients that help prevent cancer
  • 6 pears— perfect source of fiber and potassium
  1. Wash, peel, and chop: pineapples, mangos, limes, and papayas.
  2. Wash and chop pears.
  3. Toss all the ingredients into juicer, and activate.
  4. Pour into pitcher, and stir.




Written by Toni

Toni Muñoz-Hunt is the founder and creator of Model Behaviors. As a mother, writer, and activist, she wholeheartedly believes in empowering women and their communities through the art of storytelling and self-awareness.

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