Anne-Marie's Baked Sweet Potato Soup | Model Behaviors

Anne-Marie’s Baked Sweet Potato Soup

I absolutely LOVE fall. There’s something about that feeling when you step outside and turn right back around to grab a sweater. That first chill of the season draws a rush of excitement from me. I crave coffee, not only to wake me up, but to warm me up, which means I also crave big mugs of steaming soup.

Recently, in an attempt to tame our sugar dragons, my husband and I completed the Whole30. And, while weren’t entirely successful at giving up wine, we did manage to go without added sugar, dairy, and grains for a month. During the process we discovered a love for sweet potatoes and Ghee (clarified butter). Today’s recipe, my spicy baked-sweet potato soup, includes both.

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Sweet Potatoes Two-Ways | Model Behaviors

Sweet Potatoes 2-Ways

Now that Darlington is eating solids, many of my mom-friends ask about her eating habits. Luckily, she’s a great eater, and she’s pretty adventurous, too. I attribute this newfound zest for solids to our months of cooking together and making her baby food.

From the age of six to ten months, I created a weekly menu that introduced a new fruit or vegetable to Darlington’s palate, while also incorporating the foods nicely into our own dinners. For example, on the night when we’d make sweet potato puree for Darlington, we’d also make Hassleback potatoes for us!

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