Baby Food: Mangoes | Model Behaviors

Baby Food: Mangos

Darlington’s fifteen months old, and we’re over the baby’s “first foods” limitations. Now, it’s all about maintaining a healthy diet and making sure we try to stay away from preservatives. This can get tricky during soccer and football seasons because it’s just so easy to grab stadium food and call it a day. So, we’ve continued to freeze some of Darlington’s favorite snacks and toss them in an insulated travel bag, perfect for on-the-go meal times.

One of her favorite go-to snacks are mangos, loaded with vitamin A and carotenoids. As many moms know, carotenoids are great for reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease, and they’ve also been proven to keep the common cold at bay.

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Sweet Potatoes Two-Ways | Model Behaviors

Sweet Potatoes 2-Ways

Now that Darlington is eating solids, many of my mom-friends ask about her eating habits. Luckily, she’s a great eater, and she’s pretty adventurous, too. I attribute this newfound zest for solids to our months of cooking together and making her baby food.

From the age of six to ten months, I created a weekly menu that introduced a new fruit or vegetable to Darlington’s palate, while also incorporating the foods nicely into our own dinners. For example, on the night when we’d make sweet potato puree for Darlington, we’d also make Hassleback potatoes for us!

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Baby Food: Acorn Squash | Model Behaviors

Baby Food: Acorn Squash

I still can’t believe Darlington’s ten months old next week. On one hand, the months have flown by, but on the other hand, traveling with formula, bottles, bottle accessories, homemade baby food, diapers, wipes, car seats, and strollers can make the time tick by—not to mention the nightmares about leaving something behind.

But there’s light at the end of this delirious tunnel—baby’s first birthday.  According to sources like the Mayo Clinic, babies can be taken off formula and given whole cow’s milk after twelve months. That helps lighten the baby-gear load, and though this might sound exciting, it also means I need to make sure Darlington continues to develop her little palette by eating healthy and nutritious food.

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Baby Food: Parsnips | Model Behaviors

Baby Food: Parsnips

As a new mom, it’s amazing how much information and advice I receive on a daily basis. I’ve just come to realize I’m a lifetime member of this mommy club, and as Darlington matures, so does the information and advice—especially regarding health. Since our Mommy Makeover Contest started, I’ve been able to see firsthand how health is truly a delicate balance between lifestyle, fortitude, and luck.

Most of us try to incorporate good food and exercise into our lives, but not everyone has the mental and emotional strength to see things through. And sometimes things happen that are completely out of our hands. I’ve witnessed through friends and family just how difficult the road can be when dealing with the failing health of a child. So much so, I count my blessings every day for Darlington’s health.

And like so many breastfeeding moms, I felt an intense amount of guilt when I had to stop, just shy of five months. We’re constantly traveling, and she’s around so many people. It’s as if I was taking away the only gift I could give her to help build her little immune system, but the truth is that I had a significant decrease in milk production. If I could’ve kept going, I would’ve, but thankfully she started taking solids at six months, and she was able to get more vitamins and minerals from vegetables in addition to her regular formula.

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BABY FOOD: Darlington's Peas | Model Behaviors

BABY FOOD: Darlington’s Peas

Before I start gushing about how much Darlington loves peas, I need to talk about Mrs. Great Advice (Priya). I went to lunch with my mommy mentor, and she asked me about my plans for Darlington’s food, once she was ready for solids. Sleep-deprived and working on my own breastfeeding productivity at the time, I really hadn’t thought that far ahead. Priya grabs my phone and types a website in my notes section— Just like the countless other mom tips she has provided (example: contractions counter app. Yes, I used it!), I am totally addicted.

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