Parsnapple Crush | Model Behaviors

Parsnapple Crush

As I’ve mentioned in previous baby food posts, now that Darlington’s a regular solids eater, we started incorporating fruits and vegetables into our weekly menu, including juices. The fun thing about this new method is that it’s reintroduced me to some fruits and vegetables that often get left off my short list.

Along with her usual favorites, I make it a point to introduce her to a new fruit or vegetable each week. I want her tiny palate to get used to a variety of tastes, and eventually as she gets older, I’d like her to be amenable to trying new cuisines. I cannot wait to travel with our little Honey Girl so she can do just that.

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Pick Me Up Plum | Model Behaviors

Pick Me Up Plum

Plums are nature’s answer to the Sour Patch Kid. They’re the most balanced blend of sweet, sour, and juicy. And not to mention, they’re way healthier! The darker and redder the plum, the more nutritional benefits—like anthocyanins for one thing. These natural antioxidants can protect the body from cell damage.

Basically, the fountain of youth has been found—it’s in the plum.

Did you also know that a plum a day can keep heart disease at bay? Plums help reduce the risk of developing plaque around the arteries.  This fiber-rich fruit is also full of vitamins and minerals. Two such minerals are potassium and zinc. As we know, potassium is an excellent mineral in managing blood pressure.

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Fresa-Colada | Model Behaviors

Fresa Colada

Most of the time, I try to lean more on the healthy side when preparing our weekly juices. That’s because they can easily become meal replacements in our fast-paced lifestyle. I’m talking about recipes with kale, spinach, and beets, all those superfoods I’m constantly raving about.

But during the scorching summer months, that all goes out the window because everyone—especially me—is craving refreshingly summer beverages. I want a juice to take me away on a sexy vacation, somewhere beachy, a place only a banana or pineapple belongs.

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