Parsnapple Crush | Model Behaviors

Parsnapple Crush

As I’ve mentioned in previous baby food posts, now that Darlington’s a regular solids eater, we started incorporating fruits and vegetables into our weekly menu, including juices. The fun thing about this new method is that it’s reintroduced me to some fruits and vegetables that often get left off my short list.

Along with her usual favorites, I make it a point to introduce her to a new fruit or vegetable each week. I want her tiny palate to get used to a variety of tastes, and eventually as she gets older, I’d like her to be amenable to trying new cuisines. I cannot wait to travel with our little Honey Girl so she can do just that.

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Green Almond Juice | Model Behaviors

Green Almond Juice

Almond milk is a great-tasting, nutty-flavored beverage that’s been around for hundreds of years, and lately it has become a popular staple again for those trying to avoid dairy. Though fresh almond milk is lower in fat and calories, as a substitute for milk, it lacks some of the key vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, according to Livestrong, commercial almond milk is often supplemented with vitamins A, D, and B-12. But don’t despair because it’s an excellent source of protein, calcium, iron, and vitamin E.

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