Parsnapple Crush | Model Behaviors

Parsnapple Crush

As I’ve mentioned in previous baby food posts, now that Darlington’s a regular solids eater, we started incorporating fruits and vegetables into our weekly menu, including juices. The fun thing about this new method is that it’s reintroduced me to some fruits and vegetables that often get left off my short list.

Along with her usual favorites, I make it a point to introduce her to a new fruit or vegetable each week. I want her tiny palate to get used to a variety of tastes, and eventually as she gets older, I’d like her to be amenable to trying new cuisines. I cannot wait to travel with our little Honey Girl so she can do just that.

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Peach Harvest | Model Behaviors

Peach Harvest

I love fall, but the only thing that I don’t like about the crisp, beautiful change of weather is the fact that peach season comes to an end. That juicy fruit with its velvety and nutritious skin is hard to beat. In fact, peaches are often used to dress up some otherwise blah foods like oatmeal and yogurt. But this summertime favorite isn’t just a sweet treat, it’s also good for you to eat!

Peaches contain ten essential vitamins: vitamins A, B-6, C, E, K, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, and  pantothenic acid (source). They’re also rich in minerals: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, iron, and calcium. And believe it or not, the fuzzy skin on peaches is just as important to your health as its fleshy interior. Significant antioxidants such as chlorogenic acid are present. Chlorogenic acid has been linked to warding off cancer and reducing body inflammation (source).

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Juice: Orange Aid

Listen up, Men!  This juice is for you.  Ten out of ten men surveyed loved this juice.  Granted, it was a tainted sample—consisting of friends, co-workers, and family—but either way, when Men start asking for recipes, I put a gold star in my recipe book. So for a sweet-guy-pleasing treat, add this recipe to your juice hit list.

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Juice: orange you glad?

Nothing picks you up quite like an orange!  It could be because the fruit is loaded with Vitamin C, which boosts immunity to fight off everything going around this time of year, or it could be because freshly squeezed orange juice is synonymous with breakfast.  Either way, it’s time to spice up this old tradition with the unexpected, like orange beets and cayenne pepper.  When combined with carrots and ginger, these punchy items make a harmonious little medley that tickles your palate and keeps cold season at bay.

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