FRISCOVANIA: The Honorary Host and Hostess | Model Behaviors

FRISCOVANIA: The Honorary Host and Hostess

I want to start off by saying that witnessing Toni, Dan, and the Frights of the Round Table bring this event together has truly been remarkable. What initially struck me as so special, was their steadfast dedication to making this a very Frisco-centric event. Since Friscovania is in honor of Kelly Whaley, and Kelly loved helping people with all of her heart, the Frights of the Round Table were dedicated to creating an event that would give back something truly valuable to Frisco and to the surrounding region.

In turn, so many local businesses, organizations, and individuals have generously come together in order to create this unique event. It truly is a community effort.

That’s why it made perfect sense to ask Mayor Maher Maso and Cindy Maso to be our Honorary Host and Hostess of Friscovania. We couldn’t think of two people more suited to this task. Everyone was so excited when we got the news that they’d be our hosts, so today we’re flipping it around to find out what convinced the two of them to join in on this spooktacular fun.

In talking to them, their love for the community and their excitement for this event came shining through, and we’re more pumped than ever for October 22nd to get here.

Enjoy my interview with our Honorary Host and Hostess, the Count and Countess of Friscovania, Mayor Maher Maso and Cindy Maso.

FRISCOVANIA: The Honorary Host and Hostess | Model Behaviors

MB: Okay, to start off…when y’all were both asked to be the honorary host and hostess of Friscovania, what was it about the event that initially drew you to the idea, and why did you personally want to get involved with it?

Mayor Maso: I’ll say that when Dan Hunt first mentioned it to me and then to Cindy, we really liked the idea of an event that supports teens and the youth of our community. When Toni told us the story behind the story, it became a worthwhile cause for us. After that, they asked for the safe trick-or-treat zone, and that had a lot of interest to show the community there’s a place they can go and enjoy the season in a safe manner.

Cindy Maso: I don’t know if you know this, but a third of the population in Frisco is under the age of eighteen. We have a lot, a lot of young people.

MB: No, I didn’t know that!

CM: Yeah, they rule. The youngsters rule! So we’re always looking for safe, family friendly options for the residents to come and have fun, to have a safe alternative to anything they might get in trouble with. We like to have a different option out there.

MB: Then I guess it’s especially perfect that it’s benefiting City House! Seems like it all really ties into the heart of Frisco. That leads me to my next question which is about all the local businesses that are going to be involved. Could you talk about the community aspect of it? For you, what makes this event special. And why is it so important for both of you, on a personal level, and for the community?

CM: What I think Maher and I had discussed is that it gives the children an opportunity to give back. They don’t have as many opportunities sometimes as adults do to help worthwhile causes. We’re hopeful that this will bring awareness to the residents and to the youth of the community—to know that they can have fun and give back at the same time.

MM: I would add to that. This is really not about Frisco. I mean, it’s great that it’s here. The respect and admiration that Dan and Toni have and the entire FC Dallas organization, but I think it’s a regional draw. It’s an opportunity for those funders you mentioned, the businesses, and the sponsors to really give back and make an impact while having fun. The biggest issue with the teen homelessness that City House deals with is understanding it exists and understanding the need. This event’s going to bring that to the forefront and create an awareness that we all have to help with.

MB: I spoke with Chey Reynolds from City House in our latest Woman of the Month feature, and she shared a lot about what they do. I was just so blown away, not only by the work that they’re doing, but just, how many volunteers they have and how powerfully people respond to their work. When she was telling me about it, I couldn’t believe the numbers she was rattling off. I’m so excited about City House being part of this.

Switching gears a bit, we’ve gotten a lot of really awesome FB comments from people who are coming to the event and they’ve told us why they’re excited about it and what they’re hoping it does for the community. What’s the biggest thing you hope will come from this event for the community? Not necessarily just Frisco, but like you said, for the region?

MM: I kind of view two things, two basic things. One is, as I mentioned, awareness for those who are less fortunate than we are. That’s a big deal. But two is, you know, fun! Frisco is fun and it brings people together. Having a great time. It’s a destination. As you can see by FC Dallas and Toyota Stadium, we’re all about bringing people here to enjoy themselves. What better thing could we be doing than having fun and helping those who are less fortunate at the same time? Can’t be any more perfect than that.

CM: The only thing I would add, too, is that when the Hunts really put their effort behind something it’s always first class. They are both working hard on this event, which is inspiring for everyone to see what is possible when you put your effort behind it. That inspires us to continue to work hard for the community as well. I don’t know if they know they’re inspirational, but we’ve been blessed a lot and it’s a good opportunity for us to give back in some way.

MM: As soon as people see Toni behind the scenes, she’s so passionate about this. I understand why, but that’s not the only reason. She just really believes in helping others. One example. She was at the last soccer game in the heat in the booth, standing there and trying to bring awareness to others about the event. It’s not something where she just had an idea and asks others to implement it. She’s leading the way, leading the charge. As Cindy mentioned, it’s definitely kept both of us motivated and inspired. She’s a true leader in that regard.

MB: Agreed. She’s such a great leader. I’m excited to see it all come together.

Okay, so I’m just going to finish off with something kind of fun. As the reigning Count and Countess of Friscovania, are y’all going to be wearing costumes to the event?

CM: Of course!

MM: Don’t give it away yet! I would go so far as to say you can count on us to do something creative.

MB: I love it! I’m excited for all the costumes. I hope people really dress up and go for it.

MM: We also hope this is the beginning of an ongoing event, an annual event that will grow. With us being one of the fastest growing cities in the country, this is an opportunity to really create a legacy. Frankly, that’s what the Hunt family has always done. From Lamar Hunt on to the kids, they believe in something and they make it happen and it grows from there.

MB: I’m hoping it becomes a legacy too! Any last words you’d like to say about Friscovania?

MM: No, just that we’re looking forward to it and we’re very thankful for all the volunteers that are making it a huge success.

Many, many thanks to the Mayor of Frisco, Maher Maso, and Cindy Maso, the honorary host and hostess of Friscovania. We can’t wait to see their costumes and enjoy the biggest Halloween extravaganza North Texas has ever seen with them!

All the event details can be found here. Be sure to buy your tickets because there are only a few days left before the fun arrives. See you out there!


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Written by Courtney

Courtney Leigh writes young adult novels and makes music with a band called The Villettes. She finds meaning and purpose in the stories we tell.

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