FRISCOVANIA: The Honorary Host and Hostess | Model Behaviors

FRISCOVANIA: The Honorary Host and Hostess

I want to start off by saying that witnessing Toni, Dan, and the Frights of the Round Table bring this event together has truly been remarkable. What initially struck me as so special, was their steadfast dedication to making this a very Frisco-centric event. Since Friscovania is in honor of Kelly Whaley, and Kelly loved helping people with all of her heart, the Frights of the Round Table were dedicated to creating an event that would give back something truly valuable to Frisco and to the surrounding region.

In turn, so many local businesses, organizations, and individuals have generously come together in order to create this unique event. It truly is a community effort.

That’s why it made perfect sense to ask Mayor Maher Maso and Cindy Maso to be our Honorary Host and Hostess of Friscovania. We couldn’t think of two people more suited to this task. Everyone was so excited when we got the news that they’d be our hosts, so today we’re flipping it around to find out what convinced the two of them to join in on this spooktacular fun.

In talking to them, their love for the community and their excitement for this event came shining through, and we’re more pumped than ever for October 22nd to get here.

Enjoy my interview with our Honorary Host and Hostess, the Count and Countess of Friscovania, Mayor Maher Maso and Cindy Maso.

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