Summer Fiesta DIY: Tortilla Flower Dip Holder | Model Behaviors

Summer Fiesta DIY: Tortilla Flower Dip Holder

Our crafty mama Holly always has something unique up her sleeve. This month, she’s hitting us with a two-part DIY tutorial for creating a cute, festive summer fiesta. From a tortilla flower dip holder this week to a truly clever decoration idea next week, Holly never ceases to amaze me! 

Now, read on and get ready to wow your guests with this tortilla flower dip holder!

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Protein-Boost Veggie Bowl | Model Behaviors

Protein-Boost Veggie Bowl

About seven months ago, our Behaviorist Holly decided to transition to a vegetarian diet. She’s already shared one of her favorite recipes with us (veggie-stuffed zucchini), but this week she’s getting a bit more personal. Her transition to being vegetarian came with some pretty big ups and downs. 

Read on to learn about one of Holly’s biggest challenges and how she overcame it.

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DIY Ombré Macramé Statement Bib

Regardless of when exactly Easter falls each year, to me that’s when spring truly begins. The warm weather creeps in, and from the garden to the department store windows, bright fresh colors are seen everywhere. Shoppers fill the aisles in search of new spring wardrobes, and Easter Sunday attire is at the top of their list.

As a child, my own Easter dress was always handmade by my mother. Of course at the time I didn’t fully understand or appreciate this, and I remember the very last year she made a dress for me. My two older female cousins arrived at church on Easter Sunday, and we ran to get seats together just as we always did on that special day. But when I realized they were both sporting stylish color-blocked Gap Kids pieces, for the first time, I felt out of place in my home-sewn garment made out of bug-print cotton. I was mortified and requested only store-bought clothes from then on. As sad as I was, I wonder now if my mom was probably even sadder.

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Veggie-Stuffed Zucchini | Model Behaviors

VIDEO: Veggie-Stuffed Zucchini

As I approach my six-month anniversary of becoming a vegetarian, I feel like I’m finally getting into a rhythm with my weekly menu. The last thing I want to do is scare anyone off from incorporating a few meatless Mondays into their lives each month, but I will say that in the beginning it can be a bit of an adjustment. I had to retrain my brain when it came to grocery shopping and meal prepping, but eventually I found a few great recipes that have become regulars around here. I also continue to make my family’s favorite dishes but simply eliminate the meat component. No one has seemed to miss much! And when we travel these days, one of our favorite adventures is finding a local vegetarian restaurant to try.

Read More “VIDEO: Veggie-Stuffed Zucchini” >