8 Ways to Prepare for the Perfect Babymoon | Model Behaviors

8 Ways to Prepare for the Perfect Babymoon

I used to think the word babymoon was awkward, or maybe it was the concept. What pregnant woman wants to waddle around in a bikini—sweating, feeling full, and without a cocktail to ease the discomfort? Let’s not try to recreate the honeymoon, right? It can’t be done. It shouldn’t be done. It’s a completely different time in a couple’s life.

But so is pregnancy, and this celebration of life should be honored in a similar way! Put the silly name aside, and carve out time for you and your growing family in the final weeks before the birth of this brand-new life.

8. Get Cleared By Your OB/GYN

8 Ways to Prepare for the Perfect Babymoon | Model Behaviors

This is the first and most important thing to do, and according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, travel is discouraged after 36 weeks. And most boats and cruises won’t take pregnant passengers later than 28 weeks.

7. Target Places in the United States

8 Ways to Prepare for the Perfect Babymoon | Model Behaviors

Okay, I know babymoon photos look great when they’re taken in exotic locations, but traveling outside of the US can be risky. My OB/GYN told me a story about a couple who went to Peru for a wedding, and the flight and altitude sent the mother into premature labor. Six months later, the mother and baby are still in the hospital there.

6. Find a Location with a Short Travel Time

8 Ways to Prepare for the Perfect Babymoon | Model Behaviors

Though there is no evidence connecting flying to preterm labor, flying does pose some concerns. Here are some popular babymoon destinations:

  • Big Sur, CA
  • Chetek, WI
  • Kiawah Island, SC
  • Little Torch Key, FL
  • Montauk, NY
  • Ojai, CA
  • Santa Fe, NM
  • Scottsdale, AZ
  • Sedona, AZ
  • Stowe, VT

5. Make Sure the Spa Offers Pregnancy Treatments

8 Ways to Prepare for the Perfect Babymoon | Model Behaviors

There would be nothing worse than arriving somewhere and finding out that you can’t partake in the spa festivities. These specialized treatments require certain products, techniques, and certifications. Make sure they’re offered, and find out if a note from your OB/GYN is required.

4. Locate the Nearest Hospital

8 Ways to Prepare for the Perfect Babymoon | Model Behaviors

You never want too much time to go by in an emergency situation. Make sure to locate a nearby hospital and the quickest route to get there from your babymoon destination.

3. Know How to Wear Your Seatbelt Properly

8 Ways to Prepare for the Perfect Babymoon | Model Behaviors

This applies whether you are road tripping to your destination or taking a taxi once you get there. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recommends increasing the distance between the pregnant passenger and the dashboard by moving the seat back as far as it goes. Also, make sure that the top strap is worn across the chest and the bottom strap is worn as much below the bump as possible.

2. Eliminate Distractions

8 Ways to Prepare for the Perfect Babymoon | Model Behaviors

Remember this is a vacation. I’m just as guilty of using holiday time to play catch up, but this is one of those times that cannot be recreated. Allocate phone and computer time to the room, but don’t leave the room with either. Try finding a place that doesn’t have televisions, or unplug it the minute you get in. Cherish this alone time with your partner by keeping background noise to a minimum.

1. Drink Plenty of Water

8 Ways to Prepare for the Perfect Babymoon | Model Behaviors

Travel and climate change can dehydrate the body. It’s important to drink plenty of fluids, and to remember to get a balanced amount of exercise and rest. Promoting circulation and blood flow is essential for mom, dad, and baby!

Now, it’s time to book your babymoon, and enjoy the final weeks before this life-changing event!

Written by Toni

Toni Muñoz-Hunt is the founder and creator of Model Behaviors. As a mother, writer, and activist, she wholeheartedly believes in empowering women and their communities through the art of storytelling and self-awareness.

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