Gift Ideas for New or Expecting Moms: Part One

Do you have pregnant or new moms on your gift-giving list this holiday season? Are you stumped trying to come up with ideas that are both unique and useful? I’m happy to help!

Here are my top five unique gift ideas in the service category to give expecting families at any time of the year.

1. A Birth Doula

Giving the gift of a birth doula to an expecting family can make all the difference in terms of their prenatal and birth experiences. Studies show that having a doula present at a birth can decrease rates of unnecessary interventions and can increase satisfaction with the mother’s birth experiences.

Research doulas in your area on the DONA website as well as through local doula groups. Doulas come in all price ranges, and if it’s a more expensive one that seems to best fit the mother’s needs, perhaps going in on this gift with the whole family, office, or group of friends could be an option.

Make sure to discuss with the mother first if a doula is something she and her partner are interested in having with them at their birth before you make any arrangements, and let the mother interview a number of them to find the one that feels best to her and her family.

2. A Postpartum Doula

While a Birth Doula assists a mother and her family prenatally and during birth, a Postpartum Doula works with a family after the baby is born until the baby is about six weeks of age. This time of bonding and learning everything there is about their newborn can be an awe-inspiring but difficult adjustment period for a family.

The Postpartum Doula’s role is to facilitate this transition to parenting in a way that is supportive of each family’s unique parenting style. They might also help with everything from soothing the baby while the mother takes a shower, to preparing some light meals, running some errands, or even sleeping over to walk the mother through ways to breastfeed or change the baby in the middle of the night. Their job is priceless and can truly help a family transition into their full parenting potential.

Again check with the family first and allow time to interview when giving the gift of a postpartum doula.

3. Organize or Contribute to a Meal Train

Websites like Meal Train and Food Tidings can help a group of people organize meals for a family who has recently given birth. When a new baby has arrived, sometimes it becomes hard to think about all the new bits about parenting on top of “what’s for dinner.” This is especially useful for families who are giving birth to their second or more child.

Which brings me to my next gift idea…

4. Babysitting

If a family has older children when a new baby arrives, it can be useful to have another set of hands around the house. The older children will still need a lot of attention, but the parents of a new baby will need to rest and spend time with the new addition to the family.

You could either offer to pay for a few hours with their current babysitter or come over to their home yourself and play with their older children for a few hours!

5. In-home Pampering

New mothers need to be taken care of so they can take care of their families. While spa gift cards are nice, in the first few weeks after birth, and especially for breastfeeding moms, leaving the house for hours at a time might not be an option. Send a masseuse or manicurists or other pampering services to the home. She doesn’t have to go anywhere, but she still gets all the benefits!

I hope these service-gift ideas help!

Stay tuned next week for my list of must-have items for these first-time and new moms.

Happy Holidays,

Written by Hannah

Hannah Haehn started out as Model Behaviors’ very first Behaviorist. Currently, she’s a doula in upstate New York. Her passion is helping women understand their bodies and how to keep them healthy.

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