Wellness Wednesday: LOVE | Model Behaviors

Wellness Wednesday: LOVE

Congratulations, everyone! We’ve made it through our first month of Wellness Wednesday! If you’re just now joining us with this series, Barbara chose the word love for us to focus on all through the month of June.

The idea is that each month we’ll select a word (chosen by our wonderful Behaviorists), and we’ll spend the entire month reflecting on the word and making it present in our lives. I said it at the beginning of the month, but it bears repeating. There was no better word we could have chosen for the first month of our series. And after all that’s happened, both in my personal life and in the world around us, I’ve kept love present and strong—in my heart, body, and mind.

This week’s quote was submitted by one of our mailing list subscribers, Michelle Scheef from SoulTopia. Michelle is a friend of mine and we both serve on the board for Dallas Women’s Foundation. We’d like to send out a big thank-you to Michelle for contributing this quote, and also thank you to everyone who participated. Courtney and I loved reading each and every one of your responses, plus all of the personal thoughts, stories, and experiences you shared about the word love.

I don’t think this quote could’ve come at a better time. When it seems like everywhere we turn there is violence and destruction, sometimes we just need to hear someone say, “Yes, but love is stronger.” It may sound idealistic and naïve, but I honestly believe it’s true. Thank you again, Michelle!

If you’d like to revisit any of our previous posts this month, you can find those here: Barbara’s original post, Franklin P. Jones quote, Mother Teresa quote.

We’re going to announce our next word in a week, but if you want a sneak peek, go ahead and sign up for our mailing list. You’ll receive instructions on how to submit your own quote and also find out what next month’s word will be!

I keep getting more and more excited by all that’s happening on MB! For July, we’re going to take this thing a bit further and invite you to participate in little weekly challenges (don’t worry, they’ll be fun!). Plus, we’ll be using #wellnessMB on Instagram and Twitter so we can all keep up with our triumphs and successes throughout the month.

Since we’ve still got one week left, I’d like to hear how you plan on incorporating love in your life this week. It can be as simple as saying, “I love you” every day to the person or people you love most in your life. Or it can be spending a few minutes right before you go to bed to applaud yourself on any accomplishment you made that day, whether great or small. As for me, I’m so madly in love with my daughter, it feels like all I can do is kiss her and hold her and count my lucky stars.

How will love be present in your life this week?

Photo by Barbara Guillaume.

Written by Toni

Toni Muñoz-Hunt is the founder and creator of Model Behaviors. As a mother, writer, and activist, she wholeheartedly believes in empowering women and their communities through the art of storytelling and self-awareness.

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