Wellness Wednesday: CHERISH | Model Behaviors

Wellness Wednesday: CHERISH

We’re a little over a week from Thanksgiving. Did you meet last week’s challenge of contemplating all those things in our everyday life to cherish? A few that came up and surprised me were the excitement my parents get with Darlington’s photos. The way they analyze her thoughts and tiny actions, makes my heart smile. I’ve become quite used to my husband kissing all of us (me, Darlington, Kidd, and Gizzy) before he heads off to work, so this sweet, little gesture helps me start my day off right. And falling asleep every night with my baby touching my face is the most magical feeling. I’m blessed beyond measure. Holly’s chosen such a great word for us to focus on this month!

This Week’s Thoughts

To be honest, I didn’t know who Stewart Udall was when Holly sent this quote to me. So of course, I consulted Google and Wikipedia for some answers. It turns out he served as Secretary of the Interior for John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. He was passionate about preserving, maintaining, and expanding public lands. Throughout his term, he oversaw the addition of four national parks, six national monuments, eight national seashores and lakeshores, nine national recreation areas, twenty national historic sites, and fifty-six national wildlife refuges (source). Phew! That’s quite the resume!

But I love this quote because I’m such a big supporter of spending time outside and really enjoying what the land has to offer. We should never take this earth, or its beauty, for granted. Do you ever stop and think…man, this is a gorgeous planet we live on! If not, I encourage you to do so.

This Week’s Challenge

Thinking about that last sentence and about the quote, I have what I hope is a fun challenge for you this week. Every evening, we have the distinct privilege of witnessing a brand-new, blazing sky as the sun retreats. What’s strange is that I find it very hard to recall a sunset from the night before. I suppose that’s why it’s so breathtaking when each evening, I look outside and am wowed anew by the vivid oranges and purples and pinks. Go outside. Watch the sun go down. Let it leave a mark on your soul.

Written by Toni

Toni Muñoz-Hunt is the founder and creator of Model Behaviors. As a mother, writer, and activist, she wholeheartedly believes in empowering women and their communities through the art of storytelling and self-awareness.

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