The Vagina Series, Part III: The Power of the Vagina | Model Behaviors

The Vagina Series, Part III: The Power of the Vagina

Welcome to Part III of The Vagina Series! Thanks for coming along on this journey with me. As this is a continuation post, I recommend going back to read Part I and Part II if you haven’t already before continuing.

To start, I began researching the background on the word “vagina.” As we know, language is powerful, and the way the vagina is referred to and talked about in any given culture affects its history and people.

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The Vagina Series, Part II: Rebirth | Model Behaviors

The Vagina Series, Part II: Rebirth

Welcome back to Wellness Wednesday! We’ve got a brand-new word to focus on this month, and since July marks Hannah’s one-year anniversary for writing and contributing to Model Behaviors, we wanted to give her the spotlight. As we announced yesterday, she’s written a wonderful three-part series that focuses on the vagina. We’re right in the middle of it, so read on to find out how the idea of “rebirth” influenced her research.

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Top 10 Moments That Made Us Proud to Be Women in 2014

This year had its ups and downs like the many before it, but amidst the darkness were so many shining moments of brilliant light. These were moments that made us strong and proud to stand together, that buoyed us through, and some of these moments made us especially proud to be women!

Here’s Model Behaviors’ List of Top 10 Moments That Made Us Proud to Be Women in 2014:

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