Fun, Non-Electronic Games for the Whole Family | Model Behaviors

Enjoying the Simple Things: Fun, Non-Electronic Games for the Whole Family

I was recently reminded how simple it is to connect with our children. This summer, as we made our way to Ketchikan, Alaska, we had a few hours to kill in the Seattle airport. Traveling with kids is always an adventure. However, the invention of the iPad has no doubt made it easier. Even a four-and-a-half-hour flight with three kids isn’t really that bad. A movie or a couple of shows and a few apps mixed in with countless trips to the lavatory and enough snacks to feed an elephant keeps everyone pretty happy. Sometimes we break out stickers and coloring books, but to totally confess—it’s rare. It’s easier to hand them all an iPad and let them indulge in a way that is out of the ordinary. It keeps them quiet, entertained, and allows my husband and I to have a conversation, read, or totally tune out and play Candy Crush on our phones. The digital devices get put away as soon as we land and we take time in the airport to stretch our legs and wash up or if you’re my two-year old—lick every seat at the gate.

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Staying Productive During the Holidays

With Halloween past and Thanksgiving looming around the corner, the holidays are no time to sit back and relax. At the same time, it’s way too easy to get sucked up in the mad rush of it all and forget the truly important things—family, friends, love, and decadent turkey feasts.

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