Announcing the Nha Khanh Giveaway Winner! | Model Behaviors

Announcing the Nha Khanh Giveaway Winner!

What an amazing turnout for our Nha Khanh giveaway! Thank you so much to everyone who entered. As you might know, Khanh Nguyen, founder and creative director of Nha Khanh, has been our Woman of the Month for August. For her giveaway, she offered up a $1000 shopping spree that can be used toward her Ready-to-Wear line or a custom design.

Before we announce the winner, take a moment to check out our MB interview with her and her Day in the Life feature. Both are excellent, if I do say so myself!

Woman of the Month: Khanh Nguyen (Interview)

Woman of the Month: A Day in the Life of Khanh Nguyen

And now… the winner is Leanna Yanowski!

Congratulations! You’ve won a $1000 Nha Khanh shopping spree! We’ll send out an email shortly with details on how to claim your prize.

Stay tuned. We’ll announce our September Woman of the Month soon, but until then make sure you read Khanh’s in-depth interview and her Day in the Life feature if you missed them! Last but not least, be sure to follow Khanh and her work online.

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Written by Toni

Toni Muñoz-Hunt is the founder and creator of Model Behaviors. As a mother, writer, and activist, she wholeheartedly believes in empowering women and their communities through the art of storytelling and self-awareness.

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