Wellness Wednesday: CONNECTION | Model Behaviors

Wellness Wednesday: CONNECTION

Welcome back to our Wellness Wednesday series. Last week, Bulaong shared why she chose “connection” as our word of the month and what it means to her life. I hope everyone got in some great inner reflection since that was our challenge!

Wellness Wednesday: CONNECTION | Model Behaviors

Thank you to our Behaviorist Holly for sharing this picture on Instagram as her own interpretation of “connection” while she was traveling abroad in England! Be sure to follow her adorable Instagram profile, Sweet Orange Fox.

This Week’s Thoughts

The above quote comes from Audre Lorde, a black lesbian feminist who was one of the first intellectuals to develop language around the idea of intersectionality. If you’re unfamiliar with that term, it’s the idea that each individual has different identities which lead to different forms of oppression intersecting and shaping a person’s experiences. For example, Audre Lorde’s experiences of oppression would be different than mine. Even though we’re both female and both women of color, I experience certain privileges as a heterosexual woman of means. Not to mention, different races and ethnicities experience different types of oppression. Bulaong’s quote is so apt, and the idea behind it is something we believe in wholeheartedly at Model Behaviors. Each woman I meet has her own story, her own struggles, and I want us to acknowledge and support our differences, while also giving women space to share their struggles and hurts in a safe way.

This Week’s Challenge

Think of all the amazing women in your life. Reach out and remind them of your love and support. This can be a private text, a phone call, or if you want to go the extra mile, give a little love on social media. Send out a warm message and let your friends know how much they’re loved and how much you appreciate each woman’s role in your life.

I’ll go ahead and share mine now. Thank you to all of my Behaviorists! Thank you for taking a chance on my little dream to build this website. Without your love, support, and willingness to share in your expertise, I would not have been able to make Model Behaviors a legitimate, quality community for women.

Written by Toni

Toni Muñoz-Hunt is the founder and creator of Model Behaviors. As a mother, writer, and activist, she wholeheartedly believes in empowering women and their communities through the art of storytelling and self-awareness.

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