Wellness Wednesday: ADVENTURESOME

I’ve been seeing this quote pop up a lot on my Instagram feed, and I love that Rachel’s chosen it for one of our Wellness Wednesday quotes. It seems particularly apt right before we jump into our Mommy Makeover Contest. The five other participants and I will definitely be pushed out of our comfort zones over these next few weeks.

Before I share my personal S-M-A-R-T (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound) goals for the contest, I want to be completely honest. I’ve always been an avid runner. I ran every day up until a few days before I delivered. I eat well (aside from my one cup of creamy coffee and my daily piece of chocolate). Nevertheless, I’ve always been under the  “muscle memory” myth that for those of us who work out every day, we should bounce back within a few weeks. I was like, I got this!

Wellness Wednesday: ADVENTURESOME | Model Behaviors

I only gained 28 pounds. I started walking three days after I delivered and started running five miles a day, three weeks after that. Oh…yeah…and I breastfeed Darlington. The first week postpartum, I dropped ten pounds no problem—mostly baby weight. Then, I steadily lost two pounds per month for the next five months. So if you’re counting and I got my math right, I lost twenty pounds total at that point. During the holidays, I lost another three pounds. But since January 1st, I’ve been stuck.

The reason why I’m saying all of this is because Darlington is seven months old now, and by all accounts, I should’ve lost ALL of my baby weight. The celebrities do it all the time, right? And they do it in a matter of weeks. They claim Spanx is hiding everything—but um, I wear mine religiously. Then, they claim breastfeeding helped them shed the weight instantly—um, no. I’m seven months in and I have five (ass-kicking) pounds to go. IT’S HARD!  It takes a village to raise a baby and it also takes one to help us mamas COME BACK!

Wellness Wednesday: ADVENTURESOME | Model Behaviors

For anyone who’s making health and fitness goals along with the contestants, don’t forget we have a Model Behaviors Comeback Circle.  Basically, this group is open to any woman who wants to make a lasting change toward a healthier, more productive life! This is your group of accountability partners who are just as invested in your success as you are. We’ll have a group email where we can check in with each other through our struggles and our successes. Our first video chat is scheduled for next Sunday, January 31 (register for the Circle here), and then we’ll have more virtual meet-ups throughout the 12 weeks.

Priya and I will lead coaching and accountability sessions, and our other advisers will pop in occasionally as well. Let’s create a community of women who lift each other up, support one another, and cheer wholeheartedly for one another’s success!

Wellness Wednesday: ADVENTURESOME | Model Behaviors

And to be successful on our journey, we each need to come up with a SMART goal tailored specifically for us. A SMART goal separates those who want to make a comeback from those who will! Here’s how mine looks:

Specific: 2016 To Be The Year Of My Best Body (I’m borrowing this from Oprah)

Measureable: By Losing 5-8 Pounds In 12 Weeks

Achievable: Through cleansing, getting on a proper supplement program, creating a healthy diet and improved workout routine, dressing for my body type, and having a professional accountability partner guide me along the way.

Realistic: Yes!  I think ½ a pound per week is very doable.

Time-bound: 12 weeks

Are you interested? Sign up and join our Comeback Circle. And if you need help creating your SMART goal, comment below and we’ll work on one together. Let’s get out of our comfort zone and make our comebacks together!

PS: If you’re already on our mailing list, you’ll need to fill out the form below and then update your preferences so we know you want the Comeback Circle emails on top of our regular mailing list emails!


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The Comeback

Written by Toni

Toni Muñoz-Hunt is the founder and creator of Model Behaviors. As a mother, writer, and activist, she wholeheartedly believes in empowering women and their communities through the art of storytelling and self-awareness.

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