The Mommy Makeover Contest: Second Check-In | Model Behaviors

The Mommy Makeover Contest: Second Check-In

Our Mommy Makeover participants have made it through two months of healthier eating, regular exercise, and general self-care. The advisers and I are so proud of all the progress we’ve seen so far.

Related: The Mommy Makeover Contest – First Check-In

We’ve got one more month before our final results are posted and we move to the judging round. Each participant is working hard to reach her goals, and I’m so excited for everyone to see this month’s progress!

At the bottom of this post are the details for signing up for this month’s video chat on Sunday, April 3, at 4:00 p.m. CST. If you’d like to go ahead and register, you can sign up here.

And now we’ll hear from each of our participants about this month’s progress.


The Mommy Makeover Contest: Second Check-In | Model Behaviors

Pounds and inches lost?

3 lbs and 5.5 inches, which means 10.2 lbs and 20.5 inches so far for the contest!

What was your March challenge from Toni and Priya and were you able to meet it?

My March goal was to not only continue telling myself every day that I am deserving but to meal prep and post pictures each week to hold myself accountable. It was very helpful. On days when I didn’t feel like cooking or making a mess in the kitchen, I knew I had to get it done. There was no other choice because I wasn’t going to let anyone down, myself most of all!

What was your biggest struggle and your biggest success in March?

My biggest struggle was my issues with my bloodwork and my thyroid. I was extremely tired. My hair started falling out in clumps and it distracted me from my end goal. After getting tested and trying to figure everything out, my doctor said to keep doing what I’m doing because it’s working. I can tell a difference, but sometimes I can’t control the symptoms of it. I didn’t let it get me down.

Which brings me to my biggest success. Even through all of that mess, I didn’t give up. Honestly, this process and contest has taught me a lot about myself. It’s as much a mental game as a physical one. I’m accomplishing things with my body I never thought I’d be able to do again. Not only that, I’m learning how mentally strong I am. I’ve grown so much through this process, and I’m so grateful. It’s taught me that if I’m dedicated, no matter what is going on or in my way, it’ll be a positive move in the right direction.

How did you use your strengths to stay on track?  

Find out each participant’s strengths in this post: The Comeback Circle – Video Call Recap!

I’m competitive, dedicated, and organized. I love checking in with the ladies of our Comeback Circle. It’s the highlight of my days, and it always gives me the motivation to stay on track. I constantly wake up and know I’m in a competition with myself—the version of myself that I was yesterday.

The Mommy Makeover Contest: Second Check-In | Model Behaviors

How is your SMART goal from January going? Has it turned into a lifestyle change? Or are you finished with it altogether?

Find each participants’ SMART goals in this post: Introducing the Mommy Makeover Participants

Being positive with myself has made a huge impact on my daily life. I look in the mirror and see a completely different person now. My fiancé and son have noticed how happy I am. If someone had told me back in January how different I’d be, I wouldn’t have believed them. Just by making a few small changes, I believe in myself. This my life now. There’s no going back.

Which AdvoCare supplements did Candace recommend? How have they been working for you?

Candace recommended taking ThermoPlus, Slim, and MNS C. These products all help aid in losing inches. It makes a huge difference in daily living. I love the taste of the Slim. I haven’t been using them for very long, so I will be sure to report back once I have more details to share. I can’t wait to continue these products in the upcoming weeks!

What are you most looking forward to as we head into the last leg of this contest?

I honestly don’t want it to end! I know that sounds funny, but I’ve loved being part of this group and I’ll be really sad when it’s over. I’m honestly the most excited to see everyone’s transformation. All the ladies have worked so hard that I can’t wait to see how it’s paid off. I’m also looking forward to wedding dress shopping!

What advice do you have for other moms out there who want to begin a lifestyle transformation?

Holy moly, where do I begin?! I won’t ever be able to put into words the way I felt about myself for years. It makes me tear up a little bit. For a few reasons. The first is that no woman or mommy should feel about herself the way that I did. I hated getting dressed. I didn’t run outside and play because I was embarrassed. I was closed off as a person. I was sad and angry at times and couldn’t explain why. Other people in my life suffered because I didn’t love myself.

Because of that, I put myself on the back burner. I’d been sitting there for years and the flame had burned out. Until I entered this contest, I accepted that was life and the sacrifice was worth it. I entered on a whim and I never in a million years thought I’d get chosen. When I received the acceptance email, I immediately was scared. I didn’t know how I was going to tackle this. I’ve always been really good at putting others first, but I quickly learned that nothing good comes from living inside your comfort zone, which is where I’d lived for a long time. I can’t express how freeing it is to step outside that zone.

So here’s my advice, moms. You won’t catch on fire, your toes won’t fall off, and you will survive. Your family will survive. You’ll quickly realize it’s okay to take time for yourself. Your spouse and children will live just as they do each and every other day. Taking time for yourself keeps you going. You’ll be able to have more patience and love in your heart because you’re making changes from the inside out.

We deserve to be happy with ourselves. Each day will slowly get less stressful and you’ll find yourself mentally stronger. If we don’t make a lifestyle change when we feel stuck, we’ll eventually break. Breaking is not an option as a mom. We’re the fixers. We’re the doers. So if you feel like you’re standing still and living inside your comfort zone, I encourage you to step out of it. You don’t have to jump right in. Just dip your toes. You’ll realize it’s not as scary as it seems and we’re capable of change. We’re capable of anything…we’re moms after all!


The Mommy Makeover Contest: Second Check-In | Model Behaviors

Pounds and inches lost?

9 lbs and 5 inches lost (around the waist), which means 12 lbs and 7 inches total.

What was your March challenge from Toni and Priya and were you able to meet it?

My March goal was to get outdoors twice a week to supplement my fitness routine. I kept up with it! It’s been great to be outdoors as the weather has gotten nicer.

What was your biggest struggle and your biggest success in March?

My biggest struggle in March was not creeping back into some old habits. My meal planning slipped slightly in the middle of the month when I was traveling a lot for work, but I think I turned that into a success by getting back on track the following week. Breaking my pinky toe also created a challenge, but so far modified exercise is going well!

How did you use your strengths to stay on track?

I used my adaptability to learn more about the areas I would travel to for work. Wasn’t able to bring my lunch? I would find a healthy option for eating as opposed to my old staples that were not as healthy. I think activating and really taking charge of my fitness and health instead of falling back on old habits was a big success.

The Mommy Makeover Contest: Second Check-In | Model Behaviors

How is your SMART goal from January going? Has it turned into a lifestyle change? Or are you finished with it altogether?

I think as a whole it’s going well. I definitely notice that my mindset is healthier. I have my days (we all do), but on the whole I look for healthy options and really make fitness a part of my day. Whereas before I might have said “I don’t have time,” now I make the time, even if it means I get to other things later.

Which AdvoCare supplements did Candace recommend? How have they been working for you?

We discussed a lot of the energy and appetite suppressants like Slim and Crave Check because that was my biggest issue—still having times where I felt hungry and not wanting to fall off and make a bad choice!

What are you most looking forward to as we head into the last leg of this contest?

I’m looking forward to continuing good habits and really building on the progress I’ve made over these past eight weeks and then to translate that into long term success.

What advice do you have for other moms out there who want to begin a lifestyle transformation?

My advice would be don’t give up. Life is always a balancing act, especially when you’re a mom. You have to be adaptable and really make the time for yourself. As hard as it is sometimes to find that time or make that time when life is going a million miles an hour, you’ll be a better person and mother if you’re taking care of yourself.


The Mommy Makeover Contest: Second Check-In | Model Behaviors

Pounds and inches lost?

3.5 pounds and 2.75 inches, which means 6 pounds and 5.5 inches total.

What was your March challenge from Toni and Priya and were you able to meet it?

My march challenge was to get up for early workouts and start a running group in my neighborhood. I was able to get up a few times but not as much as I wanted. On days where I did not get up early, I’d take the kids with me to the gym instead so that we all could be together in the evenings. The running group had a poor response. Nobody was interested in starting a running group within our neighborhood.

What was your biggest struggle and your biggest success in March?

My biggest struggle was my health, my lack of sleep, and occasional meal slip-ups. Between my kids being sick and myself the majority of March, I was exhausted, which lead to slips. However, I’m proud of how dedicated I was. I feel that the added stress made it more difficult to succeed to my full potential.

How did you use your strengths to stay on track? 

My strengths helped me stay on track by maintaining my dedication and having a positive outlook. I constantly reminded myself of how good it feels to work out, even on my most tired and stressful days. The women posting their workouts in the Comeback Circle were also a great reminder and motivator. I didn’t miss one day in the gym during March despite the stresses from home. I also was inspired by everyone’s meal pics. They helped me find ways to create healthy, on-the-go meals and that also helped me succeed when my meals were on track.

The Mommy Makeover Contest: Second Check-In | Model Behaviors

How is your SMART goal from January going? Has it turned into a lifestyle change? Or are you finished with it altogether?

I’m currently one pound away from my SMART goal. However, I feel that I look better than I ever have and also feel better! I don’t need to lose that pound for anything other than seeing a number on the scale. My clothes fit great, I’m happy with where I’m going, and I’ve been pleased with the results. It’s for sure becoming a lifestyle change for me and my family.

Although I miss some foods, I will take being happy with myself any day over a diet that is not the best for me. Also, one of my goals was to inspire at least one other person, and I would like to share that I’ve inspired my husband. He’s lost 13 pounds since we started this together. When he sees me going to the gym and eating right, he wants to do the same, and now we have both lost a combined weight of 19 pounds!

Which AdvoCare supplements did Candace recommend? How have they been working for you?

Candace recommended the fat burner, Catalyst, and the Spark. I’ve enjoyed each of these products and can tell a difference since starting them up again. The Spark is also a nice pick-me-up instead of grabbing a coffee like I used to on days where I was dragging. Overall, I’ve been very pleased with the AdvoCare.

What are you most looking forward to as we head into the last leg of this contest?

I’m looking forward to seeing how far everyone has come. I’m so proud to be a part of this, and I’m proud of everyone in our contest and the Comeback Circle. Daily I’m reminded that everyone has their own battles in life but it’s amazing to see everyone lean on each other, deal with the problems, and pull together for such an amazing bond.

What advice do you have for other moms out there who want to begin a lifestyle transformation?

My advice is do not wait to do it. Take control and commit yourself because you can never get back today. I think back to the times where I would say to myself, “Okay, I’ll just wait until the baby is one,” or “I’ll wait until the kids are in school.” I constantly kept making excuses to put myself off because I was busy doing things for everyone else. The longer I waited the deeper I dug myself into a hole that just kept growing. Now that I’m on track I’m asking myself, “Why did it take so long to figure this out?” Had I made the change sooner it would’ve been better for everyone in my family. So do not wait for something to happen. Get out there and make a change today!


The Mommy Makeover Contest: Second Check-In | Model Behaviors

Pounds and inches lost?

No scale here, but I’m feeling stronger every day and clothes are fitting better than ever!

What was your March challenge from Toni and Priya and were you able to meet it?

My goal was to update regularly in the Facebook group to hold myself accountable. I was also supposed to stay dedicated on the Couch to 5K app. However, I’ve been very detached from technology both intentionally and unintentionally. In observance for Lent, I limited my use of my phone and then here in FL, we don’t have Wi-Fi, and it’s a household where you drop your phone off at the door. As such, my Facebook postings have been nonexistent. Sorry guys!

What was your biggest struggle and your biggest success in March?

Being away from home has been a blessing and a curse. The hardest part is eating. The kitchen here is more for decoration than use, and I feel like even the best choices while dining out just aren’t as good as food prep at home. I’m using what I’ve learned so far to be sure my breakfast and lunch are very healthy and filling so my calorie intake at dinner isn’t that terrible.

The success is that since the weather has been great and I have help from the grandparents to watch the kiddies, my biggest success is sticking with my outdoor training. I’ve been able to use the Couch to 5K app, and am running again!

How did you use your strengths to stay on track? 

I’m hyper-focused and self-motivated, so these help me to establish and stick to a routine.

The Mommy Makeover Contest: Second Check-In | Model Behaviors

How is your SMART goal from January going? Has it turned into a lifestyle change? Or are you finished with it altogether?

My goal was to get walking and now I’m running which is amazing. My eating is so much more thoughtful and deliberate.

Which AdvoCare supplements did Candace recommend? How have they been working for you?

Since I’m nursing, Candace recommended that I continue with the Catalyst, the shakes which are such an easy and satisfying meal replacement, and the Spark.

What are you most looking forward to as we head into the last leg of this contest?

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s pictures chronologically!

What advice do you have for other moms out there who want to begin a lifestyle transformation?

Start slowly and form a routine that realistically works for you. Don’t be afraid of small failures in exchange for a larger success.


The Mommy Makeover Contest: Second Check-In | Model Behaviors

Pounds and inches lost?

2.5 lbs and 2 inches, which means 11 lbs and 6 inches total.

What was your March challenge and were you able to meet your challenge?

My goal was to post two recipes a week the Comeback Circle. I met it most of the time but was not 100% consistent!

What was your biggest struggle and your biggest success in March?

My biggest struggle this month was having to deal with gatherings and parties and of course the Easter holiday weekend. I feel like like this time around I struggled with food choices more than the previous month. My biggest successes were my daily walks and joining the track team at school.

How did you use your strengths to stay on track?

I love all the encouragement from my peers at work and the love and compliments they continue to support me with! They are rooting for me and I just cannot let them down!

The Mommy Makeover Contest: Second Check-In | Model Behaviors

How is your SMART goal from January going? Has it turned into a lifestyle change? Or are you finished with it altogether?

It’s going okay. It’s definitely a lifestyle change, so it’s a weekly challenge, especially since work schedules are so hectic.

Which AdvoCare supplements did Candace recommend? How have they been working for you?

I’m still waiting in the delivery! I love the Spark for sure!

What are you most looking forward to as we head into the last leg of this contest?

I’m not only excited to see the results from myself, but also from everyone involved! It’s been a great experience to be involved in and great to also be an onlooker for the other ladies!

What advice do you have for other moms out there who want to begin a lifestyle transformation?

The only advice I have is to start with one thing, one day at a time. Then grow step by step to make the changes you want. Also, get someone to be your coach for accountability!


The Mommy Makeover Contest: Second Check-In | Model Behaviors

Pounds and inches lost?

2 pounds 2 inches

What was your March challenge and were you able to meet your challenge?

Surprisingly, I was able to meet my challenge and keep a daily food journal. But the best thing about this form of accountability is that I often weigh a negative food choice before I make it because I don’t want to write it down and have it staring back at me.

What was your biggest struggle in March?

Hands down, my biggest struggle is cheat days. Once I get started, once I eat one bad thing, I just continue to make bad choices and try and work it off the next day. But the calories consumed and the calories burned don’t even come close. It can take a week to work off the junk.

How did you use your strengths to stay on track? 

I strategize and plan my meals for the entire week, but on the weekends, I’m usually at a sporting event and have a hard time saying no to crap food.  I need to figure out how to use my strengths to conquer that obstacle.

The Mommy Makeover Contest: Second Check-In | Model Behaviors

How is your SMART goal from January going? Has it turned into a lifestyle change? Or are you finished with it altogether?

Surprisingly, I’ve been pretty successful with this.  It has been the toughest goal to attain, but I do believe now that it’s a lifestyle change.  Having green tea at night really helps with this.

Which AdvoCare supplements did Candace recommend? How have they been working for you?

Candace has me continuing to use my favorite AdvoCare products: MNS 3 and Vanilla Meal Replacement Shakes.

What are you most looking forward to as we head into the last leg of this contest?

I’m 2 pounds away from reaching my goal, so I’m hopeful that I’ll achieve it! But, I have to figure out the cheat-day deal.

What advice do you have for other moms out there who want to begin a lifestyle transformation?

It starts today! Don’t procrastinate! The longer you wait, the harder it is to take off the weight and feel great. Gather a group together of supportive and like-minded friends who’ll provide you with positive energy and help you stay accountable.

Congratulations again to all of our participants on all of their success so far. As I mentioned above, we still have one more month to really help get into a routine that will make these lifestyle changes stick. This Sunday, I’m going to hop on a video chat with our participants to check in and talk about what we’re struggling with, where we’re succeeding, and our plan for moving forward. We’d love for YOU to be part of the chat too! These are totally casual and a way for us all to keep in touch, face to face, and really keep ourselves motivated and dedicated.

If you’d like to attend the chat, REGISTER HERE. You won’t be on video, but you can use a chat box to ask us questions and cheer our participants along.

We’ll start the chat at 4:00 p.m. CST on Sunday, April 3. See you soon!

Written by Toni

Toni Muñoz-Hunt is the founder and creator of Model Behaviors. As a mother, writer, and activist, she wholeheartedly believes in empowering women and their communities through the art of storytelling and self-awareness.

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