a former domestic violence abuser explains why

Who is Claxton Jones?*

*Name has been changed to protect the identity of the former domestic violence abuser

Well, some said Jones had a way with women. “They paid for nothing.  I had a pocket full of cash and credit cards.”  Some said he stood for what he believed in.  Others said he had a passionate nature, but according to the State of Texas, Claxton Jones is an abuser of women.

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domestic violence: breaking the silence with women called moses

According to the Department of Justice, 1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence.  To better comprehend this statistic and undiscriminating problem, and to learn how to help prevent it, we sat down with Debra Nixon-Bowles, founder and president of Women Called Moses. When first setting eyes on Nixon-Bowles, it is evident that she does more than just sit at a desk and go to luncheons to raise awareness.  This presence to be reckoned with is on the frontlines, trying to single-handedly put an end to this rising epidemic, one woman at a time.

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