SHOW REVIEW: 8 Minutes | Model Behaviors

SHOW REVIEW: 8 Minutes

A new show on A&E, “8 minutes,” follows a retired cop-turned-pastor Kevin Brown and his team of volunteers and advocates. Their mission is to provide resources to “possible victims of sex trafficking.” Kevin and his team set up in a hotel and he poses as a “John” to get them to the room. The team’s main goal is to get these women “out of the life.” The title of the show comes from Kevin Brown’s experience while in law enforcement. “The team believes that after eight minutes the chances of a violent interaction with a pimp increase exponentially.”

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These Kids Are Victims

When a thirty-year-old has sex with a fourteen-year-old, in every state in the nation, it’s a form of rape. Not only will the thirty-year-old face felony charges but also if convicted, will likely be subject to sex offender registration. When a thirty-year-old gives that fourteen-year-old money for sex, in most states, we charge the fourteen-year-old with prostitution! If the thirty-year-old is charged in state court, historically, it has been a misdemeanor for soliciting a prostitute.

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