A Note From: Friscovania & the Frights of the Round Table

Togetherness: 1. warm fellowship, as among members of a family 2. the quality, state, or condition of being together.

The best friendships happen over time. Sometimes the how and when and why we met are forgotten—irrelevant. The important thing is that we’re together now, and if and when one day we’re not, our friendship will never be forgotten. There’s no need to describe these friendships with a million adjectives. They just are. They’re a feeling, a knowing, and an unconditional acceptance.

Even if one day, God forbid, a member of this togetherness falls ill and is given a week to live, the other members will come together to draw strength and give love in kind, gentle gestures—like combing her hair when she no longer has the strength, sharing funny memories to make her smile even when she’s sleeping, and wiping her face with warm cloths, preserving her dignity.

Our togetherness is bonded for life because of this experience. It was a group effort, a constant battle of balance. When one would feel weak, another would provide strength, and none of us ever let each other down. We became one-big-devoted-motley crew, a family.

And after our dear Kelly succumbed to stage IV breast cancer in May, we realized that our work wasn’t done.  This cancer had taken such a young and vibrant life so fast and unexpectedly, but her story didn’t have to end. It resides in all of us.

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Friscovania Recap Coming Soon! | Model Behaviors

Friscovania Recap Coming Soon!

In the picture above, you see Gunner Whaley, Kelly Whaley’s son. Kelly is the woman whose life inspired this event, and after she passed unexpectedly from breast cancer, Gunner was left behind.

Through Gunner’s loss, we were inspired to create Friscovania on behalf of City House, a local nonprofit whose mission is to help homeless, abused, or neglected youth of Collin County. We will have a full recap of the event on Halloween, and we can’t wait to share photos and videos. Hopefully Friscovania will continue in the years to come in order to help more children like Gunner.

See you with the recap on Halloween!

Photo courtesy of Simon Lopez Photography.