The New and Improved Girls Night Out

As we get older and busier, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep up with our girlfriends and everyone’s busy schedule. Life happens. Family happens. Work happens. And good intentions of getting together always seem to fall by the wayside. Before you know it, someone’s having a baby, someone’s getting a divorce, someone’s being transferred to another city, and someone’s sick—seriously sick. I don’t know about you, but an evening of shouting across the table at a busy restaurant isn’t my idea of quality time and neither is dining at someone’s house where everyone ends up in the kitchen washing dishes all night. I know it may sound silly, and for a long time, when the idea came up, I quickly dismissed it. But, the thought of this quasi-party is almost impossible to avoid, especially with summer winding down and the back to school season upon us. I mean, instead of Girls Night Out (GNO), why not a Girls Night Over—as in sleepover!

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