4 Ideas for a Unique Bachelorette Party | Model Behaviors

4 Ideas for a Unique Bachelorette Party

I consider myself very lucky indeed that I’ve gotten to help plan and coordinate not one but two bachelorette parties this past year. But what’s even greater about this is that both brides were very insistent that they didn’t want the “traditional” bachelorette party of lingerie, risqué games where the bride has to reveal all the scintillating details about her past love life, and penis-shaped everything. (Sidenote: I’m not judging traditional bachelorette parties at all. I’ve been to a couple of them and they were fun as hell.)

The first bachelorette party I got to plan was for Savanah, the drummer of The Villettes. All she told me was that she wanted it to be a slumber party and to be fun. She was having a themed wedding—outer space—so I decided to stick with the theme and make it an outer space bachelorette slumber party.

The second one I helped plan was for my cousin Emily. She also didn’t give many pointers except that she wanted to go out to the Denton town square and have a baby-free girls’ night out. Our challenge with this one was that her younger sister, Caroline, is only fifteen so we had to come up with activities that everyone could participate in.

So if you find yourself as a bridesmaid in need of some unique ideas for a bride who eschews convention, here are some ideas for ways to make her bachelorette party ROCK.

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The Evolution of Friendship | Model Behaviors

The Evolution of Friendship

Going into summer last year before seventh grade, I had a huge group of friends. I went to parties and hung out with all of them on a regular basis. I never felt alone. At the time, I thought a good friend was simply someone with similar humor, someone who was caring and supportive.

As school started to inch closer, things got weird. I’d try to have conversations, but they’d either end abruptly or I’d get into little arguments with my friends, mostly about nothing at all. Our personalities began to change and theirs no longer matched mine like they used to. I hung on to them as much as I could, but on the first day of school I was left out of the group. I sat there all alone while everyone carried on around me, and then it hit me, I was no longer meant to be friends with these people.

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Galentine's Day with Friends: 9 Fun Ways to Celebrate the Ladies in Your Life | Model Behvaviors

Galentine’s Day: 9 Fun Ways to Celebrate the Ladies in Your Life

If you’ve never heard of Galentine’s Day, that’s okay! The idea originated on Season 2, episode 16 of Parks and Recreation. Amy Poehler’s character, Leslie Knope, deems February 13 Galentine’s Day, a day for lady friends to get together and celebrate their friendships and each other.

I thought it would be fun to ask some of my online friends and real-life friends what their idea of a perfect Galentine’s Day would be. Here are 9 unique, fun ways to spend Galentine’s Day with all the awesome women in your life.

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The New and Improved Girls Night Out

As we get older and busier, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep up with our girlfriends and everyone’s busy schedule. Life happens. Family happens. Work happens. And good intentions of getting together always seem to fall by the wayside. Before you know it, someone’s having a baby, someone’s getting a divorce, someone’s being transferred to another city, and someone’s sick—seriously sick. I don’t know about you, but an evening of shouting across the table at a busy restaurant isn’t my idea of quality time and neither is dining at someone’s house where everyone ends up in the kitchen washing dishes all night. I know it may sound silly, and for a long time, when the idea came up, I quickly dismissed it. But, the thought of this quasi-party is almost impossible to avoid, especially with summer winding down and the back to school season upon us. I mean, instead of Girls Night Out (GNO), why not a Girls Night Over—as in sleepover!

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