Fourth of July CarrHot Dog | Model Behaviors

Fourth of July CarrHot Dog


I can still hear my favorite vendor with the handlebar mustache tempting us fans back in those days when I was a Wrigley Field regular. I’ve traced my love of hot dogs back to that particular time in my life. Before that, I was never a hot dog fan, but neither was I a hater. However, the traditional Chicago dog , Nathan’s Famous Hot Dogs, a mom-and-pop hot dog shop around the corner from my place, the street vendors downtown, and all those Cubs games hooked me. I became, not only a fan, but a superfan.

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Guest Post: Ragan from Beauty in the Bite | Model Behaviors

Guest Post: The Art of Grilling Oysters

Guest Post: Ragan from Beauty in the Bite | Model BehaviorsRagan Brooks is a passionate food blogger, cook, and photographer. As a model for over twenty years and an entertainment industry veteran, she has appeared on both the big and small screens alongside some of Hollywoods finest. Now, shes taken her eye for aesthetics and her taste for all things delicious to your computer screens by creating her food blog, Beauty in the Bite. BITB celebrates the beauty of food and features easy, healthy recipes with a gourmet twist. Were so lucky to have her for an interview and guest recipe on Model Behaviors. Please welcome Ragan, everyone! Read More “Guest Post: The Art of Grilling Oysters” >