Announcing the Radiant Goddess Box Giveaway Winner! | Model Behaviors

Announcing the Radiant Goddess Box Giveaway Winner!

A big, huge thank-you to everyone who stopped by to read our Woman of the Month features with Joanna Hathcock and to everyone who entered the Radiant Goddess Box Giveaway! We had so many entries, and we were blown away by the response this month. We’re so honored to have Joanna as our July Woman of the Month.

If you missed any of her posts, be sure you stop by and give them a read.

Woman of the Month: Joanna Hathcock (Interview)

Woman of the Month: A Day in the Life of Joanna Hathcock

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Announcing the WALK BESIDE ME Giveaway Winners! | Model Behaviors

Announcing the WALK BESIDE ME Giveaway Winners!

Yes, you read that right! For the first time, we have not one, but two winners who’ll receive signed copies of Walk Beside Me by Christine Handy. Thank you so much to everyone who entered and to Christine for being our incredible Woman of the Month and helping us with this giveaway.

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Woman of the Month: A Day in the Life of Christine Handy (Giveaway) | Model Behaviors

Woman of the Month: A Day in the Life of Christine Handy (Giveaway)

If you’ve had a chance to read Courtney’s interview with Christine Handy from earlier this month, then you’ll know what an extraordinary woman we have on the blog today. She went through ten years of rigorous, traumatic, life-threatening health issues, and came out on the other side forged in steel. Nowadays, she’s the author of Walk Beside Me and is working on her second novel.

I’m thrilled we get the chance to see what her everyday life looks like. But just like most of our Women of the Month, Christine’s everyday life is that there is no everyday life. As she mentioned in the interview, she lives one week in Dallas and one in Miami, which sounds hectic indeed!

One of the things I really loved when reading both her schedule and Walk Beside Me is how important her daily walks are. Before I knew everything that I know now about Christine, I’d often see her walking (more like power-walking) on Katy Trail while I was doing my daily run.  It’s baffling to me how many times I crossed paths, even said hello, and had no idea what she was going through—really going through. Who knows where I was mentally during those times, but I do know that Christine was fully present. Even through all of her struggles, she fought to keep her walks, and I will forever be inspired by her strength and resilience.

At the bottom of this post, there’s a giveaway for a signed copy of Walk Beside Me as well as a brief description of the book. Be sure to enter and be inspired, too! But for now, welcome to a day in the life of Christine!

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Announcing the Privé Products Giveaway Winner! | Model Behaviors

Announcing the Privé Products Giveaway Winner!

Before we announce anything, I’d like to send out a big ol’ thank-you to everyone who read our interview with Rachael and who entered this giveaway. Rachael is a beyond-amazing stylist and such a lovely person to be around. I’m so happy she’s been our Woman of the Month throughout May.

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Announcing the AdvoCare + Coaching Giveaway Winner | Model Behaviors

Announcing the AdvoCare Giveaway Winner

Thank you so much to everyone who read both of our Woman of the Month features with Candace Oliver and to everyone who entered the giveaway for a customized AdvoCare plan with coaching from Candace! We’re so honored to have Candace as a Mommy Makeover adviser and as our April Woman of the Month.

I won’t keep you waiting.

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