Grapeberry Mint Juice | Model Behaviors

Grapeberry Mint Juice

Since Darlington started eating solids in December, I’ve added making baby food to my cooking repertoire. If Dan and I get to eat homemade food every day, then so should our precious baby! But it’s not easy adding one more thing to the Monday Menu agenda. So, I had to play around with our schedule to design a menu and plan that works best for our family.

On Fridays, I come up with the menu for the following week. Right now, the menu revolves around Darlington’s solids, and then over the weekend I work on the list of ingredients. Monday mornings, we buy the groceries and prepare all the food for the entire week—juice, dinners, and baby food. I make sure the ingredients cross over. This helps cut down the cooking time for my little helper and I.  And there’s nothing better than seeing those tiny hands caressing the tops of mine, as if she’s doing the work herself!

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Berry and Beet Juice Recipe | Model Behaviors

Berry, It’s Cold Outside!

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, it’s time to get some berry love in your life. On The Monday Menu, try this berry beet juice recipe. As I’ve mentioned before, beets aren’t usually anyone’s favorite juice ingredient, but I’m determined for you guys to love them just as much as me. They don’t call them a superfood for nothing!

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