Wellness Wednesday: SIMPLICITY

Hello, hello! This is our final week of “simplicity.” Next week we’ll be back with a new word to carry us through each of September’s Wellness Wednesday intentions. Before we do that, however, I want to say thank you to our Behaviorist, Holly, who posted this awesome picture using the #wellnessMB hashtag. She’s switching to a vegetarian lifestyle, for herself and her family, and she says she has never felt better. Awesome job, Holly! We’re rooting for you!

Wellness Wednesday: SIMPLICITY

Keep these pics coming! It’s such a motivation to know our MB family is out there bringing wellness and simplicity into their lives.

This Week’s Thoughts

When I read Kathryn’s quote for this week by Ernst F. Shumacher, the first thing my mind went to was Hollywood. Think of most of the big blockbusters of the summer—Avengers: Age of Ultron, Mad Max: Fury Road, Jurassic World. Most include larger-than-life plots and characters, heavy CGI, and tons of violence. Nothing against those movies. I love a couple hours of mindless entertainment. But they aren’t what we’d consider “genius,” are they? As I mentioned in one of our earlier posts, so much of wellness is centered on balance. So while there’s nothing wrong with watching these films, I want to make sure I’m also inputting equal amounts of quality entertainment.

This Week’s Challenge

Make a list of all the movies you’ve watched recently. Not big on movies? What about TV shows? Or books you’ve read? Magazines? Looking at them as a group, how balanced is your selection? I know that unless I’m choosing with a lot of intention, I veer toward fiction only. So this coming week, when I go to pick something on Netflix or choose a new book to start, I’m going to intentionally choose nonfiction. I know my time is valuable (especially as I’m still adjusting to little Darlington’s schedule), so I want to make sure everything I spend time consuming—whether it’s on the physical, spiritual, or intellectual side—adds balance and wholeness to my life.

Got a favorite book, movie, or TV show you think would be great for our MB family? Use our comments section to share your recommendations for this week’s challenge! Don’t forget to keep us updated on your wellness journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter using #wellnessMB!

Written by Toni

Toni Muñoz-Hunt is the founder and creator of Model Behaviors. As a mother, writer, and activist, she wholeheartedly believes in empowering women and their communities through the art of storytelling and self-awareness.

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