Wellness Wednesday: TRIUMPHANT | Model Behaviors

Wellness Wednesday: TRIUMPHANT

Imagine for a second that you’re a twelve-year-old girl growing up in an area of Pakistan where the Taliban has banned girls from attending school. Your family manages schools in the region, and you start a blog, writing under a pseudonym for the BBC about life under Taliban occupation and your belief in education for girls. The New York Times makes a documentary about your life, and Desmond Tutu nominates you for the International Children’s Peace Prize.

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Top 10 Moments That Made Us Proud to Be Women in 2014

This year had its ups and downs like the many before it, but amidst the darkness were so many shining moments of brilliant light. These were moments that made us strong and proud to stand together, that buoyed us through, and some of these moments made us especially proud to be women!

Here’s Model Behaviors’ List of Top 10 Moments That Made Us Proud to Be Women in 2014:

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