Song of the Week: "How It's Gonna Go" by Wavves and Cloud Nothings | Model Behaviors

Song of the Week: “How It’s Gonna Go” by Wavves and Cloud Nothings

Hey, y’all. Courtney here! For this week’s Song of the Week, I asked my friend Kolbe to write about anything she’s been jamming a lot lately. Kolbe is a middle school teacher, the associate editor for Texas Towns Revealed, and a fellow music lover like me. In fact, when my sister and I booked our very first show ever as The Villettes, Kolbe graciously stepped in and sang harmonies with me. We’ve also gone to tons of shows together and recorded embarrassing Nirvana and Stevie Nix YouTube covers (if you can find those videos, you are my hero). You might’ve spotted her in my recent Miles post about Tyler, Texas. In effect, she is one of my closest friends and I love her.

Please give Kolbe a warm Model Behaviors welcome!

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