Song of the Week: "Hostile (Ptsd Love Song)" by Feral Future

Song of the Week: “Hostile (Ptsd Love Song)” by Feral Future

I love to curse. I love to fucking curse.

Maybe that means I’m uncouth. Maybe that means I’m not as intelligent as one who denies herself the pleasure of a spontaneous expletive every now and again. Or maybe I just really hated grown-ups telling me to be more ladylike—to cross my legs, to lower my voice, to stop singing at the table, to follow the rules, and to be a good little girl.

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Song of the Week: "Class Historian" by BRONCHO | Model Behaviors

Song of the Week: “Class Historian” by BRONCHO

Back in March, I mentioned how much I loved seeing BRONCHO at SXSW. One song in particular really stuck with me from their set—“Class Historian.” Right from the beginning, the vocalist Ryan Lindsey comes in with some high-speed “duh-duh-dee-dee-dee’s” that bounce all over the place. Yet, they’re not all over the place because they’re executed with precision and jubilant accuracy.

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Song of the Week: "Alarms in the Heart" by Dry the River

Song of the Week: “Alarms in the Heart” by Dry the River

“Alarms in the Heart” is the opening, eponymous track on Dry the River’s second album. Before we even get into the music, I’d like to take a moment to appreciate the album art. As I’m sure you learned from our interview with Nova Ren Suma last week, I’m into the strange and unexplained.

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