Song of the Week: "Separate Ways" by Carl Anderson | Model Behaviors

Song of the Week: “Separate Ways” by Carl Anderson

Hi, everyone! It’s Courtney. Our Song of the Week today is written by Leah Nobel. You may recognize her name from a previous Song of the Week, where we featured her track “Joshua Tree.” Since she’s one of my closest friends and we like a lot of the same heartbreaker songs, I knew she’d be a perfect choice as a guest author for this series. She’s not afraid to get a little raw and a little vulnerable, and I’ve had some truly life-changing conversations with her over the years.  

Please give Leah a warm Model Behaviors welcome!

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Song of the Week: "Joshua Tree" by Leah Nobel | Model Behaviors

Song of the Week: “Joshua Tree” by Leah Nobel

Leah Nobel is one of my dearest friends here in Austin. We met each other at an open mic night at a place called House Wine. She’d moved to Austin only a few months before, and I’d recently moved back to town after a few years of finding myself in Europe.

After I shakily performed my three allotted songs, she approached me and chatted for a minute. I was immediately blown away by her confidence and lack of fear in carrying on a conversation with a complete stranger. After she left my table, I told myself to keep in touch. I knew that she was special.

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