Announcing the Radiant Goddess Box Giveaway Winner! | Model Behaviors

Announcing the Radiant Goddess Box Giveaway Winner!

A big, huge thank-you to everyone who stopped by to read our Woman of the Month features with Joanna Hathcock and to everyone who entered the Radiant Goddess Box Giveaway! We had so many entries, and we were blown away by the response this month. We’re so honored to have Joanna as our July Woman of the Month.

If you missed any of her posts, be sure you stop by and give them a read.

Woman of the Month: Joanna Hathcock (Interview)

Woman of the Month: A Day in the Life of Joanna Hathcock

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Woman of the Month: A Day in the Life of Joanna Hathcock | Model Behaviors

Woman of the Month: A Day in the Life of Joanna Hathcock (Giveaway)

One of the first things I noticed when meeting Joanna was that she had a bright radiance. She didn’t have to even say that much, but I could feel it beaming out of her. She’s one of those people who can make others comfortable and at ease simply by smiling at you and asking how you’re doing—and it’s not in a small talk kind of way, either. I always get the feeling that she truly cares, that she’s listening, that she won’t become uncomfortable if I share something other than the usual, “Fine, fine! Everything’s great here!”

Reading through her schedule, I can totally see where this inner peace and light come from. Every move she makes throughout the day is centered and organized, yet she leaves room for those things which bring her simple joy—yoga, practicing belly dancing, cuddling with her cats, chilling with her roommate and watching a movie. What I mean is…her schedule is packed, but it’s not “busy.” I’m filled with peace just reading through it and imagining how my own schedule could look if it were as focused and relaxed as hers.

At the bottom of this post, be sure you enter this month’s giveaway for the Radiant Goddess Box. Once you enter, you’ll get your own special URL to share with your friends. Any of your friends who enter the giveaway using your URL will give you 3 extra entries. The more the merrier, so definitely share this giveaway with anyone you think would be interested!

But first, take a look at a day in the life of Joanna…

Read More “Woman of the Month: A Day in the Life of Joanna Hathcock (Giveaway)” >

Woman of the Month: Joanna Hathcock (Interview) | Model Behaviors

Woman of the Month: Joanna Hathcock (Interview)

It’s official. Half of 2016 has already gone by. What a blur! So far we’ve met six amazing women who have been part of our Woman of the Month series. From a soul and R&B recording artist to an AdvoCare distributor to an inspiring author and cancer survivor, we’ve met such a wide range of talent and heart. For July, our Woman of the Month is Joanna Hathcock—makeup artist extraordinaire and Bliss Goddess cofounder!

Bliss Goddess?  What’s that, I’m sure you’re all thinking. But, I won’t ruin the surprise tucked in this spectacular interview. What I will say is that the name never surprised me. Those are two words that I’d use to describe Joanna (Jo or JoJo, as I lovingly call her). The first time I met Jo, she absolutely took my breath away, and not because we were all standing around in our underwear. That’s often how models meet each other—backstage, at a fitting, on set. It’s so commonplace that it’s easy to become immune to beauty. But, I’ve been around it for so long that I don’t get wrapped up in it. Beauty is relative. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What’s indescribable and undeniable is pure inner beauty—a soft smile, a tender touch, a soulful gaze, an attentive ear—all wrapped up in a melodic golden hue.

From the moment our client positioned us next to each other at our fitting, I was overwhelmed by her presence. I couldn’t help but watch her as she made a twirl for the client’s wardrobe approval. After the fitting, the angelic blonde put on a mousy pair of glasses, a comfy t-shirt, overalls, and some Doc Martin-ish boots. Hmmm…I wasn’t expecting that…and sixteen years later she still has me transfixed. Maybe another word that I’d use to describe Joanna is goofy. As breathtakingly beautiful as she is, this gentle soul is as silly as all hell, and not to mention (as you’ll soon find out), one of the most talented Renaissance women that I’ve ever encountered.

Please give a warm MB welcome to Joanna, and enjoy Courtney’s interview with her below!

Read More “Woman of the Month: Joanna Hathcock (Interview)” >