Song of the Week: "Break Bones" by Wild Child | Model Behaviors

Song of the Week: “Break Bones” by Wild Child

On October 2, one of my favorite Austin bands to see live—Wild Child— released their third album, “Fools.” When you live in a city like Austin, a city that prides itself on being the live music capital of the world, it’s rewarding to be a part of it. I love playing shows in Austin, and I love, love, love going to see shows.

When I first moved back to ATX a few years ago, I went on a show-going bender, watching a gig every night of the week, sometimes even jumping to more than one show if I could afford it. Standing on concrete for that many hours, night after night, actually started giving me back problems! One of the first bands I fell in love with during this heyday was Wild Child. They danced. They laughed. They played raucous songs that made everyone in the crowd start dancing and laughing, too. I’d be at a show alone, and I couldn’t help moving my body when they played. I was broke. I didn’t know what I was doing with my life. But listening to their cello, and their fiddle, and their harmonies made me happy.

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Song of the Week: "Beautiful Gray" by Alyssa Kelly | Model Behaviors

Song of the Week: “Beautiful Gray” by Alyssa Kelly

There are birds singing sweetly, trilling and humming and chirruping us gently into this song. A simple melody plucked on an acoustic guitar enters. At the end of it, the most perfect complementary notes, high on the fret, lead us into the vocals of “Beautiful Gray.”

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Song of the Week: "Hostile (Ptsd Love Song)" by Feral Future

Song of the Week: “Hostile (Ptsd Love Song)” by Feral Future

I love to curse. I love to fucking curse.

Maybe that means I’m uncouth. Maybe that means I’m not as intelligent as one who denies herself the pleasure of a spontaneous expletive every now and again. Or maybe I just really hated grown-ups telling me to be more ladylike—to cross my legs, to lower my voice, to stop singing at the table, to follow the rules, and to be a good little girl.

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Song of the Week: "Dragon" by The Villettes | Model Behaviors

Song of the Week: “Carried Away” by The Villettes

This week I’m doing things a bit differently. My band, The Villettes, is releasing our first EP called “Passersby” next Wednesday, May 6. We started recording around September of 2012. Since it’s now two and a half years later, I thought it might be interesting to share a little bit of what it’s like for an indie band to self-produce a record.

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