MB Book Club Discussion: "Chasing the Sun" by Natalia Sylvester | Model Behaviors

MB Book Club Discussion: “Chasing the Sun” by Natalia Sylvester

When we first announced the MB Book Club in January, the air was frosty. Our breath showed with every exhalation. We read our books wrapped up in fuzzy socks and blankets, a cup of hot cocoa nearby. Since then we’ve read and discussed “Dead Don’t Lie” by L. R. Nicolello and “The Walls Around Us” by Nova Ren Suma. The seasons have changed. Now it’s August, time for our third discussion. We’re reading our books on the deck or by the pool or near the sea, with sunscreen and a tropical beverage by our sides (hopefully with a colorful paper umbrella on top).

I think it’s perfect that the book we’ll be talking about tonight is called “Chasing the Sun.” Fall will be here soon. My deepest wish is to appreciate these bright days as much as I can before winter returns.

Below is a refresher on the logistics of the discussion and then some lead questions to get us going.

To join the discussion, come back to this page at 8:00 p.m. CST tonight. I’ll start us off in the comments with a hello. Then we’ll dive into the questions. As always, your questions and discussion topics are welcome, too! Please note that you must be logged in to Facebook in order to comment. However, if you don’t want your comments to show up on your personal Facebook page, make sure the box next to “Also post on Facebook” is not selected.

Here are our lead questions.

1) In our interview with the author, Natalia Sylvester, she talked about the combination of research and real-life experiences that went into her story. How did the setting and the set-up work for you? Were there any details she included that surprised you or struck you as particularly truthful?

2) Who do you think was the most likeable character? What about the most unlikeable? Did either of these characters affect your experience of the book? (Feel free to throw in general thoughts and opinions about the importance or unimportance of likeable characters.)

3) In this interview with Michael Noll of the blog Read to Write Stories, Natalia mentions that while she was writing “Chasing the Sun,” she didn’t worry about the fact that her story is set in Peru with a cast of completely Peruvian characters. However, when she was submitting it to publishers, a large number of them felt that this would be a difficult selling point. Obviously, movements like #WeNeedDiverseBooks are still very necessary, even where literary adult fiction is concerned (maybe even especially where it’s concerned). I don’t have a question, per se, but I’d like to open the floor on this topic. And also discuss how books like “Chasing the Sun” can play an important role in the ongoing discussion, awareness, and demand for diversity in publishing.


As you can see from my tweet, I loved the ending. It completely turned my expectations on their head. What about you? Were you surprised? Did you love it? Hate it? Did it feel resolved?

Answer one or all of these questions in the comments below or ask a question of your own! I can’t wait to chat about “Chasing the Sun.” See you at 8:00 p.m. sharp!

Natalia Sylvester: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

Note: There will be spoilers in our discussion.

Written by Courtney

Courtney Leigh writes young adult novels and makes music with a band called The Villettes. She finds meaning and purpose in the stories we tell.

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